
  1. csaaphill

    Dear Lord I know all things work ...

    Dear Lord I know all things work for our my betterment, but what is your will in this mess???? To turn a munch of people using technology illegally and hurting and killing people? OR to have a bunch of tares in one spot at one time so when time comes you will have a bunch of them messing with me...
  2. csaaphill

    Gangstalkers don't take responsibility unless they are ...

    Gangstalkers don't take responsibility unless they are caught. They use technology and terrorize people over nothing. they murder and kill people but remotely or they drive into them or something. They need killed. They don't repent for nothing NO They can't be forgiven for they are evil to the...
  3. csaaphill

    repent or be destroyed that's your only ...

    repent or be destroyed that's your only choices. you do evil I don't mean just steal from someone, but you use technology and or witchcraft to try and repay some sick form of justice upon someone who is innocent especially now that they've turned to Jesus they are now clean. That makes you a...
  4. csaaphill

    Dear Lord Jesus gangstalkers are trying to ...

    Dear Lord Jesus gangstalkers are trying to manipulate my emotions so I pray and need agreement that that they are not successful in doing so. Gangstalkers are those who use technology that does exist and is provable but people seem to back it for they're afraid to stand up to them I'm not...
  5. csaaphill

    I thank you Jehovah for prayers answered ...

    I thank you Jehovah for prayers answered not amiss for nothing I've prayed for is against prophecy. Jehovah, Nothing I pray for is to my flesh it's to be avenged of those worshipping Satan. They had to have sold their souls to Lucifer to begin with to even have the power they have now and are...
  6. csaaphill

    I thank God for being the one ...

    I thank God for being the one to takes revenge for me against those tat are trying to hurt me. Daniel said there would be a man of sin and perdition and he's here now. it's not one man but many as one. they're gangstalkers and evil. they use technology to invade the temple of God and act like...
  7. csaaphill

    Those that are using technology illegally to ...

    Those that are using technology illegally to send noise sound music and voices to peoples heads and ears are possessed by demons and are therefore in need of prayer to release the devils and demons out of their body. In order for one to do this evil they would have to be only someone with hate...
  8. csaaphill another one the most recent video ...

    another one the most recent video of v2k I made just now. This is me recording what I hear going into my ear this is not TV nor any other background crap this is technology being used against me. While recording it went lower but just before recording it got very very very loud as if trying to...
  9. csaaphill

    My Father in heaven I didn't ask ...

    My Father in heaven I didn't ask for this I didn't need this I don't need this I don't want it. What I need is you and you delivering me from Satan's plan for me using people using technology that's what I need I need free from this tyranny. Hearing noise in your ear daily no it's not tinnitus...
  10. csaaphill

    I thank Jesus for protecting me against ...

    I thank Jesus for protecting me against Those that are stalking me with technology. I thank you for breaking there machines and equipment they use against me. I thank you for destroying their signal they send to my ear and to not be able to do what I hear them threaten me with in the signal. I...
  11. csaaphill

    I thank Jesus for protecting me against ...

    I thank Jesus for protecting me against Those that are stalking me with technology. I thank you for breaking there machines and equipment they use against me. I thank you for destroying their signal they send to my ear and to not be able to do what I hear them threaten me with in the signal. I...

    Please Pray for me that I'll be ...

    Please Pray for me that I'll be more productive at work, instead of procrastinating things I should be more focused. I should establish the work of my hands by helping me to be more creative, patient, focused, insightful. Keeping myself from all the distractions and from technology hindering my...
  13. csaaphill

    Kids, teens around the world with technology ...

    Kids, teens around the world with technology or other supernatural powers are using that to be led astray by the Devil. Whether what has been playing in my ear this last year or so has been kids alone or a mixture of adults Satan is leading these to use technology and Sorcery to hurt people. I...
  14. csaaphill

    OK here those that use technology to ...

    OK here those that use technology to hurt others thinking they are doing good, but they aren't. What they are actually doing is hurting themselves because it's of the devil that's leading their hand. So I ask for agreement in prayer that those doing this sort of thing like Children in today's...
  15. Intercessor

    That Novovax gets approved: Most efficatious vaccine against Covid (90-94+%), Proven technology, Least sides, No fetal cells...

    Father, I pray Novovax gets approved here in the USA and around the world, asap. Novovax is a proven technology that is not an mRNA based experiment. Most efficacious, least sides, proven technology, no fetal cells. Thank you in Jesus' Name ...
  16. csaaphill

    I would pray to heap hot coals ...

    I would pray to heap hot coals on those who use witchcraft and or technology to gain sick justice when none can be made that way. People do use things thinking they are doing good but are doing evil. IF a person was found not guilty of something and has lived innocent since the false accusation...
  17. Anonymous

    A Lady who Needs Financial Help and Financial Help in General

    Please say a prayer that the lady who was going to save over $100 a month switching to a berrer carrier today comes back in and everything goes through with no incident. Our technology got fouled up today and though everything was right she has to come back in on the day we planned. Please pray...
  18. Anonymous

    Good day at work

    I ask for a good day at work and all technology runs quickly with no glitches
  19. Moltrenol

    A group of the devil's Children have ...

    A group of the devil's Children have come against me and have used A technology in me secretly that someone must of put in me, and they have used it to torment me with day and night causing me to have much pain and suffering and it's been going on for as long time in my life .. Perhaps they are...
  20. Ayron

    please pray for my marriage that my ...

    please pray for my marriage that my husband won't see anyone else but me now. Also please pray for my leg that it is 100% healed. Also if you could pray that this microchip and technology that is in my body be found and removed. I would appreciate very much I want my life back. Mmy name is Tina
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