
  1. Stelollor

    Oho lourd almighty please pray for me ...

    Oho lourd almighty please pray for me to write my exam properly and get pass in all subject in my 3rd. Year i konw than nothing is imposible to you and i trust almighty that who evar ask help frm you confrm you will help then so i pray to you for my exam please send me your holy spirit to me to...
  2. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let the pharmacy answer this ...

    Jesus please let the pharmacy answer this is ridiculous I have been calling for days. I have to find out about my son's medicine. Please let my son cooperate and stop barking orders at me..please help Marcus and Joni Lamb they are both very sick. Thank you for letting teachers and Dr answer me...
  3. Eremlock

    My Son is doing so well in ...

    My Son is doing so well in preschool, he has a speech delay and needs a lot of help but thankfully the teachers that work wiht him daily have done amazing things. Thank God for the miracles provided to him. Pray for our daughter as well as she grows in his footsteps. I ask all to pray to keep my...
  4. natasha2

    URGENT Where to make Covid test without announcement

    Plesase pray urgently where to make a quick antigene test for Covid. From today we teachers must be vaccinated or tested but they dont give me info where can i be tested without announcement because it is urgent. I must find it myself because i live in another city. Please pray that i will find...
  5. natasha2

    Big stress - arrogant teachers i need infos - testing Covid

    Lord protect me from evil.people and pupils. Two of my pupils are threatening me. Teachers around me are arrogant and selfish and dont want to help me to find out needed infos connected to going to the school and getting tested or vaccinated. It is really concerning how people act in a mean and...
  6. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son and husband ...

    Jesus please let my son and husband stop being so mean to me and my son stop.talking back to me. Help me figure out why everyone Is so mean to me and is mad at me when I am upset. What kind of sick person gets mad at someone for being upset me. Please don't let us be late to eye appointment...
  7. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my son at school ...

    Jesus please help my son at school and let his teachers grade his assignments and his art teacher stop ignoring me and give me the signed paper that I need. Please also let our eye appointments go well and us be safe at the location we have to go to and my son nor I not have any problems. Thank...
  8. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband get his ...

    Jesus please let my husband get his amended state refund, please also let my son's teachers respond to me, help my son with his test at school, and also understand about when we say no to things and stop controlling the household, and let my pharmacy pick up. I need to find out about medicine...
  9. Kara9

    Hello, please pray for my self esteem ...

    Hello, please pray for my self esteem to be restored and my looks to be restored and weight loss for me too, also for all upcoming Dentist appointments and meetings at school to go really good with no complications or problems with the teachers and authorities thank you,
  10. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing for my ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing for my marriage to my husband Shawn and for Aiden’s IEP meeting to go really good with no problems and favor with the teachers and counselor today also for no problems worth Diane or Roxann concerning Aiden thank you.
  11. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let our heat stay working ...

    Jesus please let our heat stay working and not break again so we don't have to call the landlord again. Please let my son do well at school today and his teachers respond to me and math teacher let him make up work. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  12. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son's teachers answer ...

    Jesus please let my son's teachers answer me and please heal my stomach pain and nausea. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  13. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my son at school ...

    Jesus please help my son at school today. Let his teachers correct his grades and count his assignments and him not lose and remember to turn everything in. Please also let my mail come. Thank you Jesus, Amen
  14. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son be ok ...

    Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and let his teachers find, regrade his work and adjust his grades. It is the end of the marking period and I am afraid they are ignoring his messages and submissions so his grade won't improve. Please let me be wrong. Please also let the landlord fix...
  15. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son go to ...

    Jesus please let my son go to sleep. He has testing tomorrow at school. Please also let my husband have a good night at work and please let my son's teachers answer emails and correct his grades. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  16. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my heat get fixed ...

    Jesus please let my heat get fixed and please let my son's teachers fill out forms for doctor and grade his assignments. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  17. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son's teachers read ...

    Jesus please let my son's teachers read his emails and fix his grades. Please also help my sister with her mouse problem and her cat not being so distant with her, it is depressing her. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  18. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus thank you for my husband's account ...

    Jesus thank you for my husband's account situation being resolved but please let everything be ok with my son and help him with stomach issues and his teachers correct his grades and find missing assignment. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  19. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus I don't even know where to ...

    Jesus I don't even know where to start. I need so much help with my son..please let him realize the changes he needs to make, too. Please let his teachers respond to his emails and find his work and also my husband be more supportive. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  20. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son go to ...

    Jesus please let my son go to the bathroom and go to bed and please let his teachers find and grade his missing assignments. Please also don't let the rain be too bad tomorrow. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
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