No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle or her evil energies to watch over us.
No noise or irritation in the train. Of any kind.
No smoke of the cigarette inside or outside of the train.
I feel like i have some kind of...
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle and her evil energies to control us in Jesus name.
Control worker in the train - favor - i forgot to bie a monthly ticket. No getting money penalty or be forced to buy one way ticket
No noise in...
No lateness of the train
The train to arrive at 7.14 am.
Me exactly on time for work - 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No.principle to control us in a teachers room or anywhete else.
Also PLEASE no noise in the train. No loud or less loud cellphones, tik tok, you tube etc. No loud pupils also...
No lateness of the train.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room or even earlier.
No cab. Only train.
No princiole in a teachers room or anywhere else to control us/watch over us or any evil energies from her or anyone else.
Super efficient today with my pupils/classes. Peace, dilligence...
country: croatia
evil energies
hand bag
last 2 months
new bag
peace dilligence motivation
perfect collaboration
pupils classes
shopping malls
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work
No cab but train using.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No controll of the principle or her evil energies.
Please no lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No.principle to watch over us/control us and her pretentious evil energies.
Today success and victory at work as a teacher. And till the end of this year. November/decembre. Blessed everything that i...
Lord please the train is late again. Please do the miracle and accelerate and unplugg whatever you need to.
Let me be exactly at 9.20 am in a teachers room in Jesus name.
Lord get the principle out of my way and sight and her controlling arrogant sneaky energy in Jesus name. She was controlling...
No.lateness of the train
Me on time for work
Exactly at 12.50 pm in a teachers room in Jesus name.
No cab but train
No principle to controll us and watch over us and spread negative/evil energy.
Also no.problems with pupils because i interrogate and they are lazy dont want to learn and attack...
No.lateness of the train
Me on time for work
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No.principle to watch over us, control us, spreading negative energy.
No diggestive issues.
Normal stomach acid
No diarrhea
No problems with pupils
Me joyful victorious successful whatever i put my mind or hand...
7 20 am
country: croatia
digestive issues
faith joyful positive optimistic healthy strong protection
negative energy
normal stomach acid
Lord, no lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle around to watch over us and controll us and spread evil arrogant energy and similar.
Her - Out of my way and sight in Jesis name and the other way around
Lord do something with the working...
arrogant energy
country: croatia
early working schedule
fascist songs
first hours
gastric issues
goethe institute
jesus name
other stresses
No lateness of the train please.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 12.50 pm in my school and in the teachers room in Jesus name.
No noise in the train but peace.
No smoke of cigarettes in and around train in Jesus name
Tomorrow morning and this whole month - no lateness of the train. Me on time for work. Tomorrow exactly at 7.20 am to be in a teachers room. According to the a classroom. Amen! No control of the principle on who is late amen
Lord male her busy amen!!!
No noise in and around train.
No.smoke of cigarettes in and around the train
No lateness of my train tomorrow morning.
I need a miracle since trains are late every day and they come a little bit to late for me to be on time in a teachers room.
Me on time for work.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle to watch over us or controll us because its...
Stomach acid normal.
No diggestive issues.
No diarrhea.
No anxiety or any other reason for those issues.
No.principle on my way to school or teachers room or classroom in Jesus name. Lord protect me
Lord have mercy. Please no lateness of the train. Let me be exactly on time in the teachersroom 7.20 am. The train - to be at my destimation at 7.14 in Jesus name. (According to the clock in a teachersroom not other clocks. Amen
This train is always late and my principle is often controlling...
NOW no lateness of the train. We are waiting already for 40 min the train. Lord have mercy. I am starting to think that i will be late and i should arrive 45 min earlier with that train!!!!
Constant lateness of trains: Lord let my trains arrive on time especially to work and from work. Let me...
bigger problems
biggest problem
brisque walk
country: croatia
good compassionate colleague
good driver
monthly train ticket
train constant lateness
working place
My train to arrive on time. No lateness. Even to come 4 min earlier then usual.
My principle not to be in a teachers room checking up who is late and who is not. Lord please resolve this issue once and for all. I need prptection from harrassment of my principle. Thank you Lord. Please remove...
Victory and success at my job today.
In my classes.
In the halls of my school.
In a teachers room and all other rooms.
In the shops.
At my moms place.
In the train.
And in all other places
Pray that pupils in my school will ware masques.
I am a teacher and more and more pupils are dissobedient and behave bad when i ask them to ware masques. Many of them ware masques under their nose. Even some teachers in the teachers room dont ware masques and behave arrogant. Please pray that...