Please help dom realize that his relationship with Taylor is not healthy and right. Help him move on from Taylor. Give him the strength and faith to leave it behind him and start fresh.
Praying for Taylor to realize that her relationship with d isn't right and healthy. Help her have a open mind about meeting someone new. Help her see that the relationship isnt going anywhere. Help Dom see his relationship with Taylor isnt right. Help him move on
Praying for Taylor to move on from Dom. Help her see it's not working. Give her the strength to move on. Help Dom see that his relationship with Taylor isnt working. Help him move on.
Help Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy and right. Help her move on from the relationship. Help her find a new special guy. Help Dom realize that his relationship with Taylor isnt working out and isn't right. Help him move on from the relationship
Please help Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy and right. Help her be open to meeting someone new. Give her the strength to move on from dom.
Please help Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy and right for her. Help her be open to meeting someone new. Help Dom realize that Taylor isnt the girl for him. He is interested in many girls. Help him move on from Taylor so she can find the right guy. Help her have strength to...
Let Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't right. Help her move on and start fresh. Let her be open to meeting new people. Give her the strength and faith to start a new chapter in her love life.
Let dom see his relationship with Taylor is not going well. Help him see she's not the right one. Help him open his eyes that the relationship is done and he needs to wake up and move on. He's seeing other girls. It already shows she's not the right person
Praying for Taylor to have a change of heart about dom help her see he's not the right guy for her. Let her see there's good and nice guys out there. Praying for her to meet a nice sweet guy that's right for her. Help her forget and have the strength to start fresh with someone new
Help pj bond with his other friends and distance himself from jd. Help jd bond with his other friends friends like devan and his buddies. Help Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't right and help her be open to meeting new guys. Give her the strength to move on from dom and forget about him
Praying for Cassie to communicate less with jd. Help her bond with others and help her find a nice guy. Help Taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy and help her be open to meeting someone new
Praying for silvia, cassie, and Taylor to meet nice guys in there area where they live. Meeting someone special and helping them being open to build relationship slowly. Help taylor see her relationship with d isn't right.
Please help Dominic realize that his relationship with Taylor isnt right and healthy. Help taylor see her relationship with dominic isn't right either. Help her be open finding new people to bond with
Help taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy and right. Help her be open meeting someone new and right for her. Help dom see that Taylor isnt the right person for him. Let him see it's not working. Help me and dom work on our friendship and relationship. Help us be open
Please help taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy. Help her have a open mind about meeting a new guy and who is right for her Help Dom see the relationship isnt going anywhere and isn't healthy.
Praying for Dom to realize that his relationship with Taylor isnt right. Help him see she's not the one. Help taylor see her relationship with Dom isn't healthy. Help her be open to meeting someone new
Please help Taylor see her relationship with D isn't right and healthy. Help her meet the right guy. Help D see the relationship isnt going anywhere. Help him see that there could be a chance for us. What's the point of hiding how we really feel.