No noise from my neighbours.
Upstairs and next door neighbours.
No loud talking, no loud walking, no big noise from the toilette, noise with windows and doors, etc etc.
Please, they make noise always after 11 pm.
Good sweet sleep for me.
This situation is way too much to explain here
but The Lord knows every detail & i have committed all of it into His Hands
I deeply thank-you from the bottom of my heart for your caring prayers for me
as i do not want to have any nightmares tonight
nor to be in distress or upset anymore
Dealing with a Leaky faucet outdoors worried it can create more mosquitos. Also Lord please help to keep that crown up and try not to eat on it and soft foods only, your mighty miracle Blood is on all this. Bless you all and for sweet sleep and these people meet this Saturday instead. Bring all...
Please pray that i will easily breathe.
Pressure sometimes on my chest or back.
No bloating.
Normal stomach acid.
No panic or fear, anxiety.
Good sweet sleep now.
Wound in my dental flesh.
Wound on my tongue.
I have bit myself, little swallen.
Easy swallowing.
Normal gastric acid.
High blood pressure.
Relaxed body.
Good sweet sleep.
PLease let my neighbours be quiet.
They are speaking very loud.
Practicaly shouting.
Numerous rebellious family.
Its 11:30 pm.
Please pray for peace and for my sweet sleep.
Also normal stomach acid, no bloating, normal breathing.
May the sweet sleep promised to us all in the book of Proverbs
Chapter 3 be mine this evening...with no nightmares to torment me...
May i experience even just a little touch of
Heaven down here on earth in my life every day from now on
so i can smile again & feel happiness & experience...
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all.
Getting out of debt.
Financial prosperity, increase.
Banc accounts full of money.
No pain or irritation in my stomach.
No noise in the next door appartement.
Good sweet sleep.
No irritation of my stomach.
Normal swallowing.
Normal breathing.
Normal acid in my stomach.
No gastritis, no fear, no anxiety.
Relaxation or the stomach.
Nothing irritating my stomach in my mouth or elsewhere.
No pain or irriation or tension in my stomach.
Good sweet sleep.
Normal heart beat.
No breathing problems.
Normal breathing.
Normal swallowing.
Feeling like i have a ball in my stomach and throat.
No boiling of my stomach.
No bloating of the stomach.
No hardening of stomach but SOFT RELAXED stomach.
No itchiness in the throat and tubes (allergy or stomach...
No noise from my neighbours.
No loud walking or talking. It is 11 pm.
Numerous family.
Complete silence in my building and neighbourhood. and area.
Clean air.
Good sweet sleep.
Total relaxation of my body.
Good sweet sleep.
Catching up a sleep.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal breathing.
No allergy, no stomach bloating.
Free breathing canals and sinuses.