Prayers for green card that supervisor and worker working on it hope I won't see a Lawyer amd they want to waived so me .no paying and so pray they green card won't get lost ever again and prsy protection and safety this green card and my business be kept confidential on my green card pray that...
Prayers Joey's not reporting to work this week or next because the supervisor didn't keep his word about switching him And he's taking the workvan away So now Joey can't drive his own personal vehicle to the job site because of how far it is My husband doesn't want me helping him out and now...
Hi My husband asked Joey about his job …. Small talk… and Joey mentioned his new Position and husband was glad about it… but he still pushed other job ideas on Joey. I’m praying he stops pushing ideas on Joey. But the praise is that Joey will tell his supervisor today that he will take the job...
Kindly Brethrens help me pray that my supervisor S will not bother that supplies in my unit (which he was not keen about) has been facilitated and approved by the director. May this not affect our work relationship. I want support to optimally do my work. Thank you that Dr A is assisting. I pray...
Prayers the I just talk to the supervisor and she only send me $50 and it's not enough And I ask her Iike to do my hair and pedicure if you can ask the substitute payee for $300 and pray it will be granted soon no hassle.And this supervisor start minding her business and make this confidencial...
A testimony thank you all for praying for me God have heard the prayers my job is secured and my supervisor have appoint someone else to help me with the work I'm so happy God is good and I love him with all my heart
I just got promoted to Supervisor a couple of months ago. Although my regular days off are Saturday/Sunday, I have been asked to work Sunday and take off on Friday/Saturday. Please support me in prayer that I will get Saturday/Sunday off.
A woman at my workplace makes me feel so uneasy and attacked whenever we communicate. I feel so agitated after every conversation. She's my subordinate but acts like she's my supervisor. She keeps manipulating me and doesn't do any work related to me right. She then acts like nothing is her...
Hey everyone,
I need prayer to get me through what I have to do today, I have a colleague that has begun threatening me further, the bullying and harassment I have faced from them has been getting worse and my anxiety is getting to me. I attempted months ago to talk to my supervisor but it did...
I am desperate for prayer. Please please please pray that my supervisor is held accountable for her lies and deceit. She has been attacking me because of my disability. She told me I am a piece of crap and no good. I have never been spoken to in my life by anyone like this, let alone From a...
My son is doing his masters and his supervisor is refusing to see him and give him his thesis,project work, his mates are halfway through,but my son has not started at all,all cos of his supervisor,he's delaying my son so he can't graduate,but my son has to graduate 🎓,OH GOD OF...
Please pray for Ben (son) who s recruited as a casual for over a year now. His supervisor and managers want him to be made permanent but approval has to be made by HOD & HR. His contract expires next week. He s been faithful with tithes & offerings. He s been supporting me as well as a single...
Please pray for me to have a better approach with people. I found out I am off putting and for lack of words mean. I am going to try to work on these things. Please pray I can be a better supervisor.
I ask that you please pray for me that I get Justice at my work. My supervisor has been discriminating against my disability. She is relentless and targeting me. I’ve been full and angst and anxiety. She has broken me. I ask that you pray she be held accountable because I reported her behavior...