Father I need Ones in my subjects Sociology, Caribbean Studies, Environmental and Entrepreneurship. I want to be A Lawyer then A magistrate. I want to be a lawyer so badly God. I would like to get a Job by Anand for the holidays.
Please jesus , help me pass in all the exams i have written . Im very scared of the results my lord , this is my last chance to pass , please lord let me pass in all the subjects when the results come . I dont have any other way my god .. please help me pass in all the subjects i have written...
Please lord im begging you help me pass in all the exams i have written . I dont have any other way please lord help me pass in all the subjects i have written . Please lord give me concentration and memory power to study for the upcoming exams . Please lord help me clear all subjects and get my...
Please lord help me study hard for the exams . Please lord this is my last chance , please help me pass in all the subjects and get my degree certificate . Please keep me and my family safe from all evils . Please lord keep me safe while im going for covid vaccinations tomorrow .. dont let...
Lord hear my prayer , im having so much tension waiting for my results . Please lord let me pass in all the subjects . Help me study for the upcoming exam and get my degree certificate . You are the only one who can save me my lord . Keep me and my family safe from all dangers . Keep us safe...
Please lord help me focus on studies , my mind is confused and disturbed i cannot study for even 5 mins . Please jesus this is my last chance help me study hard and pass in all subjects my lord . Please help me pass in all the subjects which i have written . My lord thank you for all the...
Dear prayer partners, I ask your help in praying for me to be successful in my phlebotomy course. I haven't been to school since I was 16 Yrs old and I am now 50 yrs old and it's a big challenge.i am doing this course without the required subjects because the teacher has taken a chance on me and...
Please lord heal me from all diseases . Tomorrow my covid test results will come please let the result be negative . Please lord remove all my pain and disease . Keep me safe my lord .. help me study and pass in all the upcoming exams . Please lord help me pass in all the subjects which i have...
Pray for me brothers and sisters . I did my covid test and im waiting for the results. Please let the result be negative . Please heal me from all diseases and keep me safe my saviour lord . Please lord help me pass in all the subjects which i have written and the ones which are coming up . You...
Please jesus save me , im going for check up Tomorrow , im very scared . Let there be no disease in me when doctor checks tomorrow please my saviour heal me from all diseases and keep me safe under your protection . Please lord help me study hard and pass in all subjects this chance itself ...
Please pray for my education I have a course called Statistic and Psychology Research Method that I am having a hard time with. I am not doing good in the subjects. I am also having trouble writing a Literature Review Paper that is due this this Wednesday March 24. Please pray for my son's...
Please jesus help me write the paper properly and get good grades . Please help me remember everything when im writing the exam . Please lord let the question paper be simple one . Please jesus help me pass in all subjects and get my certificate . Please keep my family safe my saviour m thank...
Hi, I am vijetha, I am pursuing LL. B 6th semester.. I did well in 5th semester.. But worrying that these days I am following bad luck.. I just want to get pass all subjects in 5th semester which I had given in the month of February. Please do pray that I should pass 5th semester without any...