
  1. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you Father for this beautiful day. ...

    Thank you Father for this beautiful day. I pray for relief and deliverance from evil attacks. Please Father remove the strongholds that are attacking me every day. Thank Please fill me with the Holy Spirit Father. I pray also for my loved ones. Please guide them and protect them from anything...
  2. Anonymous

    Lord Jesus, I ask for Espy-Esperanza to ...

    Lord Jesus, I ask for Espy-Esperanza to bring down any strongholds in her life. Standing on 2 Corinthians 10 1 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself...
  3. Anonymous

    Lord Jesus, I ask that you dismantle ...

    Lord Jesus, I ask that you dismantle the strongholds in my life that are not of you. I bind the spirit of fear and manipulation standing on Matthew 18:18. I stand on Isaiah 54:17. And James 4:7. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
  4. Ijaffon

    Oh Lord, I come to You to ...

    Oh Lord, I come to You to set free Aaron from the bondage of addiction. Father give him instant deliverance from his strongholds and addiction. Uproot all the lies the enemy has placed in his heart and mind. Open his eyes to the oppression he is in. Heal his mind and body. Strengthen him to deal...
  5. A Stranger & Pilgrim

    If you would please pray For my ...

    If you would please pray For my return to The LORD and that The LORD heal's my backsliding and my body of any and all ailments. In addition, if you would please pray that The LORD delivers me from any and all strongholds and bonadge of the enemy that I am under. Also, if you would pray that The...
  6. Thararryn

    Spiritual warfare and freedom

    Thank you for your pre ious prayers for me. Please, support me with prayer in my ongoing journey. Please, pray for my victory in spiritual warfare over my mind, and for my freedom from all strongholds and bondage (exposed and not yet exposed). Thank you. God bless.
  7. Bukisonan

    Please continue to pray for a man ...

    Please continue to pray for a man and his family to accept Jesus as their savior, to be born again Christians. Please pray that something will prompt their hearts to our Lord. Please pray that strongholds that keep them from having an interest in the Lord will be broken, and that they will...
  8. Thararryn

    Please pray for the healing of my ...

    Please pray for the healing of my wounds and exposure of the devil's lies so that I can be free of the his strongholds once and for all. It's frustrating and angering and tiring, and I want victory. I want to be free from being hounded and having all sorts of lies whispered in my head. This is...
  9. Bukisonan

    Please continue to pray for a man ...

    Please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again in the Lord. Please pray any strongholds in their lives that make it difficult to accept Jesus lose their power over them. I pray their hearts will be drawn to him, and that they will have good support with strong believers...
  10. A Stranger & Pilgrim

    Prayer Needed

    If you would please pray for P. to find a biblical new testament church to attend; for him to grow in The LORD; for the attacks of the enemy against him to cease, and for his deliverance from any bondages or strongholds that he is under. Thank you and God bless you.
  11. Anonymous

    Pls needing deliverance from all unclean spirits ...

    Pls needing deliverance from all unclean spirits and all demons of secular music. From all strongholds and strongman spirits. So I will have a cool self image. Amen.
  12. Awivis

    Lord help and heal her. Give her ...

    Lord help and heal her. Give her wisdom and insigth to let go of her past. In Jesus name and blood I break all curses asocciated whit sexual abuse in her life. In Jesus name and blood all the strongholds in her life are broken. Let her feel and experience healing in all areas of her life. Let...
  13. Anonymous

    The weapons of our warfare are not ...

    The weapons of our warfare are not Carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of Strongholds!… Amen!
  14. Warcul

    I would like to break free from ...

    I would like to break free from all my strongholds
  15. Elfosord

    Please pastor pray for me I am ...

    Please pastor pray for me I am in a bondage of strongholds
  16. Uthhan

    If you would please pray for The ...

    If you would please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and deliver me from all satanic bondages, strongholds, and witchcraft I would greatly appreciate it. If you would pray that The LORD fights for me, protects me, and delivers me from my enemies I would greatly appreciate it...
  17. Baileyboo

    Habitual sins

    God I ask that you wouod help me to believe in the power of your grace concerning strongholds in thinking. I want to have a sound mind free from unclean thoughts. Please help me with my unbelief concerning the power of your grace to remove thos kind of thinking in Jesus Name Amen
  18. Baileyboo

    Habitual sins

    God I ask that you wouod help me to believe in the power of your grace concerning strongholds in thinking. I want to have a sound mind free from unclean thoughts. Please help me with my unbelief concerning the power of your grace to remove thos kind of thinking in Jesus Name Amen
  19. listbuilding


    Father we see all my strongholds and others Fall over and torn down forever. Pray / Believe with me, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Your Mark F's Provider. In JESUS Name past and present prayers in Jesus Name amen
  20. listbuilding

    Father we see all my strongholds and ...

    Father we see all my strongholds and others Fall over and torn down forever. Pray / Believe with me, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Jehovah Jira your my provider, Your Mark F's Provider. In JESUS Name past and present prayers in Jesus Name amen
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