
  1. Gwimyrre

    Please pray for Gorethi who is detected ...

    Please pray for Gorethi who is detected with breast cancer. She is a Roman Catholic, but a very loving person. I believe that through the stripes of Jesus we were healed. I want it to be manifested in the life if Gorethi. Please pray for her healing
  2. justinvd

    By Jesus's stripes I am healed. Jesus ...

    By Jesus's stripes I am healed. Jesus confirm your word!
  3. Wylandadh

    Please pray for my daughter Kaya who has a severe migrane

    At least she thinks it is a migrane, but she is also very cold and aching over all her body. She is in pieces just came in from collecting the grandchildren from school and the poor thing was crying her eyes out. Please pray for healing. By His stripes we are healed. Thank you so much, God bless
  4. justinvd

    By Jesus stripes I am healed. Lord ...

    By Jesus stripes I am healed. Lord confirm your word!
  5. His Servant

    Healing for my eyes that are red, ...

    Healing for my eyes that are red, hot and watery and causing a lot of problem. I am seeing the Doctor tomorrow. Kindly agree with me as per Mt 18:19 that I am healed by the stripes of the Lord (divine healing).
  6. His Servant

    Healing for my eyes that are red, ...

    Healing for my eyes that are red, hot and watery and causing a lot of problem. I am seeing the Doctor tomoorew. Kindly agree with me as per Mt 18:19 that I am healed by the stripes of the Lord (divine healing).
  7. justinvd

    Lord, it is written. By your stripes ...

    Lord, it is written. By your stripes I have been healed! IJNA.
  8. justinvd

    By Jesus's stripes I am healed. Confirm ...

    By Jesus's stripes I am healed. Confirm your word Lord! IJNA.
  9. justinvd

    Lord, by your stripes I am healed. ...

    Lord, by your stripes I am healed. Confirm your word!
  10. justinvd

    By Jesus stripes I am healed. Lord ...

    By Jesus stripes I am healed. Lord confirm your word. Your mercies are renewed each day. Your love never ends!
  11. IamthatIam

    Pray for miracle healing

    Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors. Please pray with us for Healing. Michael Jr. Needs professional help for his mental challenges. His condition is deteriorating. Please Lord Jesus, by your stripes we are healed. Thank you in the mighty name of Jesus Amen
  12. Hernewold

    Praise report! i experienced Gods healign of ...

    Praise report! i experienced Gods healign of my facial bones move into place. thank yoU Lord Jesus Christ for oyur helaign touch: Please touch all peopel here and everywhere and heal them. For You are our God. thank You. I dont deserve it but i thnak you! thank You by Your stripes we re heale.d...
  13. justinvd

    Lord, by your stripes. My Mind, should, ...

    Lord, by your stripes. My Mind, should, body, spirit is healed! IJN.
  14. Blessed And Loved

    Prayers fir my niece

    Praying in Jesus name, my niece is healed. I just heard that the doctors are testing her for muscle atrophy and trying to dx her with a brain bleed. I rebuke this in Jesus name. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is able to do all things. My niece is healed in Jesus name...
  15. Abantarrol

    Please 🙏 for my left hip area ...

    Please 🙏 for my left hip area discomfort for complete healing by his stripes also tingling in my feet area Amen
  16. Bothmirae

    Healing for our sone

    Our son has ALWAYS lived for God. He's a giving, caring, Godly Man. Doctors say he has prostate cancer..stage 4. That's nothing for the God I serve. PLEASE believe with us that by His stripes....he's already healed!!!! Thk u!
  17. Brother in Christ (JC)

    By His stripes I am healed. This ...

    By His stripes I am healed. This cold must leave, in the mighty name of our risen Saviour Jesus I pray, amen.
  18. Catya

    God I praise your name and give ...

    God I praise your name and give you thanks for all you do. By your stripes and blood on cross we are healed . I claim by your stripes that I’m healed from anxiety and depression and my health and financial problems I give to you . I ask in Jesus name for miracle healing for my family all...
  19. Rowena05

    Healing for my son

    Father God, sovergn God. We worship you and give you praise! By your stripes, my son Botsy will be healed in your most precious name! Amen. Protect me and my family from all forms of danger especially from covid 19. Amen
  20. Oglonian

    Gainesville city schools not wearing mask, some ...

    Gainesville city schools not wearing mask, some are coming in sick and others are getting sick. Angel, Rachel, Sheila, Shenia, Carrie are healed by Jesus stripes
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