
  1. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my obnoxious neighbor who ...

    Jesus please let my obnoxious neighbor who revs his engine up and down the street at all hours of the night stop it. This is awful. I dont know what else to do. I have already complained about it so many times and nothing gets done about it. Please Jesus this is driving me insane. I barely sleep...
  2. Culaemgor

    We are in our mid 60’s, my ...

    We are in our mid 60’s, my husband lost his job, we are renters we’ve been told to move. We have 0 money maxed out our credit cards to eat and get gas for car. I am so scare I don’t want to live in a tent on the street or in our car. PLEASE PRAY FOR US
  3. DeaconArmstrong

    Dear Jesus, please make us all a ...

    Dear Jesus, please make us all a blessing durting this wonderful year You are giving us. Make me a blessing in church, at home, at the office, in the street, at the supermarket and wherever I am, I want to sing praises to Your name. O the glory of Your presence...we Your temple give You...
  4. Anonymous

    This person really needs a Savior and ...

    This person really needs a Savior and is always blocking the road right down the street from us and deliberately drives so very slow like they own the streets and I’m been feeling so dizzy and fatigued and pray these dr. and staff can get me in Sooner on this Urgent appointments and Your Bless...
  5. Lulu woman of God

    I am closing the sale of my ...

    I am closing the sale of my Van, I need to change the oil and it has been difficult for a mechanic to come here because my Van cannot drive on the street. I have a mechanic to come yesterday or today but he has not communicated. I hope he come early today to finish today and I ask God to...
  6. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help my son at school ...

    Jesus please help my son at school today. Let him remember to turn in what he is supposed to and do everything he is supposed to. Please also let his gym teacher explain why she changed his grade when he had 100 percent. Please heal my face. Please let the truck move that is blocking our street...
  7. DeaconDorster

    Please pray that this week I will ...

    Please pray that this week I will be a blessing to everyone I see in the street,. at home,. at work and wherever I go.
  8. Hgd


    Heavenly Father thank you for answering our prayers and getting us into the house across the street from my dad we will be able to spend more time together and help them. I pray dear lord for financial security to be able to help take care of him as he ages. I pray that we have a safe move and...
  9. Hgd

    Dear lord I am praying for a ...

    Dear lord I am praying for a miracle. Please help us to get into the house across the street from my dad he is very excited for us to move but we keep running into road blocks. With financing and other offers. I pray you will make this happen for us if it is your will I pray lord you will help...
  10. Hgd

    Heavenly Father thank you for all your ...

    Heavenly Father thank you for all your help. I pray for my dad and Lois to get some help. I pray that we are able to buy the house across the street and be able to help them more. I pray dear lord for my job. I have taken a lot of time off with my surgery and now helping my dad. Please help me...
  11. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son be ok ...

    Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and stay awake and alert. Please also let my husband do what he is supposed to today and stop blaming me for every little thing. I am sick of it, I do everything for him and he treats me so badly sometimes and I am so tired of it. Please also let my...
  12. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help me feel better please ...

    Jesus please help me feel better please let my son stay awake in school today and do well on all his work..please let us get our car fixed. Let the trash on our street get cleaned up. It is very upsetting. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  13. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please don't let my neighbor retaliate ...

    Jesus please don't let my neighbor retaliate against me for me being upset with him today. He caused so much chaos last night and I had to report him. He was outside banging and shining headlights and driving up and down the street loudly all night long and I couldn't take it anymore. It isn't...
  14. Shaghgwir

    Good morning everyone Please pray along with ...

    Good morning everyone Please pray along with me ,pray for my son Allan f. Wilson That the good Lord keeps his eyes off the street And keep him focused and make him the man that the Lord wants him to be.
  15. tolstuhu

    Pet in dangerous

    Please pray for the cat, its owner just died, pet stayed alone in empty flat. Pet needs help and warm shelter, it will be abandoned on the street soon. Pray for the charities & good people to find solution for this problem. Thanks
  16. GreeterJustin

    Where should we meet the Lord?

    It could be at home, in church, in the street, at the airport, at the bus station. Where would Jesus meet us and tell us His will for our life? This is the place where you should come and meet Me.. Says the Lord. I am everywhere waiting for you to open your heart. Says the Lord. I will be...
  17. tolstuhu

    Please pray for the good man V. ...

    Please pray for the good man V. to find a solution to the problem. The owners of the cat left their pet on the street in the cold and moved themselves. Winter is coming, the cat urgently needs a warm house, or she may die. Pray that good people and charities help save the cat from the cold...
  18. Anonymous

    Help and bring favor with everyone in ...

    Help and bring favor with everyone in this difficult situation and protect me lord and bring wisdom now and the right dentists and heal my teeth also and help to locate this other one down the street that they help and accept my insurance soon please
  19. DeaconKrause

    Please pray for all panhandlers who beg ...

    Please pray for all panhandlers who beg in the street for coins. Please Jesus, save them and bless their life. Bring all of them to church and may Your holy presence help them see the way that leads to heaven. Amen
  20. Diercheinos


    Several loud noisy men and women are sitting up and across the street from my home intently watching my gate until after 5am this morning and often yelling hateful comments very loudly and still remain. Please pray for my safety and protection in reference. Thank You.
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