Need help so overwhelmed with all these appointments soon Lord and need major healing on stomach and this constant ba rm going. Help to get good news real soon and fight for us please these are all your battles bring mighty resolution and intervention, favor, healing, strength on everything now.
Oh no. Just keeps getting worse and worse. I can’t handle any more. I can’t deal with liars, it goes against everything in me. My stomach hurts. My head hurts everything hurts. Bro many of these demons coming against me at one time. I lost the battle and now I’m hopeless I’m in freeze mode right...
Pray for father Charles. Tumor in his stomach his feet swollen not walking and blood trafusion. God to restore all his senses, hearing talking, walking and all other well being
Pray for peace to sleep at night and sufficient melatonin will be produced. As last two nights i couldn't really sleep. Pray for healing of nerves, muscles and stomach. Thanks
Prayers for my nephew Robert. He's in ICU with a bleed in his stomach. Was vomiting blood and he needs a liver transplant. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors and healing to his body. His condition has to improve before they go in to stop the bleeding. Thanks in Advance 🙏🏼
Jesus, please let everything be ok with my son today as far as school and his counselor, his stomach and a project he has to do. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus, please let everything be ok with my son today as far as school and his counselor, his stomach and a project he has to do. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Praying fo peaceful sleep this night and every night. Also praying to cast out any demonic activity in my apartment. Father, please let the landlord treat the residents fairly. May the residents cooperate with each other. Lord please be with me and heal my stomach and breathing issues. Also need...
Hello my name is Raymond Elijah Griffin asking for your prayers please pray for my stomach and back and urinary please pray for lynwood stop doing drugs and alcohol and tobacco please pray for us for 40 days and nights
Pray for some sleep as couldn't sleep last night. Pray for peace to sleep and all disturbances to leave me. Pray for healing of insomnia and stomach. . Pray for stomach to be healed from digestive problem and acid reflux. Thanks!
Jesus please help my son today at school with his tests and presentations and projects. Please let me stop putting my stress onto everyone else and getting so upset. Please let his stomach be ok and no problems. Let his teachers be nice to him. Let him remember he has to take his history test...
No.bloating. feeling like i have a stone in my stomach
No diggestive issues, breathing issies or diarrhea in Jesus name
No lateness of the train. Me on time for work
Opened sinuses.(especially left nostril)
Good sweet sleep
No neck pain right side.
No tension or pain in my stomach.
Totaly relaxed body. Especially all muscles.
Praise God brethren. Pray for my wife kulisoma Irene she's in big pains something has attacked her in the stomach she can't stand she can't walk it's so painful. Please kindly let's join hands and ask the lord to intevien
Please continue to pray for my throat to be healed . In Jesus name I pray! Also pray for my daughter she didnt have surgery her stomach was inflamed. She had a biopsy done results on wednesday. Please pray for her too!
Lord I pray for complete healing! Lord I pray for the healing of my stomach and my nausea will go away. I pray for the healthy and protection from harm of my body. Lord thank you for all the blessings! Thank you for another day! Lord I claim my full healing in Your Name Amen