All fat be gone leave dissolve from my whole stomach hips permanently in every way right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess I command my whole whole stomach pure incredibly incredibly pure pure flat tonned tight in every single way right now always I command my whole whole...
Very very urgent lord please please please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips that is tormenting me right now permanently from the roots never ever to return ever please please lord make my stomach incredibly pure pure flat tonned tight as I desire without even having to exercise please...
Lord I ask you please please remove all fat from my stomach hips permanently rigjt now please please lord never ever to return ever please lord please please bless make my stomach lord please pure pure incredibly pure flat tonned tight as I desire right now always please lord in jesus christ...
I ask you please please please lord remove all all every dark circles hollow under my eyes permanently all puffiness under my left cheekbone bump under my left eye lid all every lines wrinkles red viens marks blemishes all pale skin streach marks all all fat on my stomach hips permanently rigjt...
brand new brand new skin desire
country: unknown
dark circles
left cheekbone bump
left eyelid
pale skin stretch marks
red veins marks
single part
single way part
I ask you please please remove all fat rrkm my whole stomach hips that is tormenting me please permanently please please make my stomach incredibly incredibly pure pure flat tonned tight in every single way right now always please please make my whole motablism alot alot faster in every single...
Very very urgent no no no more dissappoitments no no more rejection no no more delay no no more critasism no no more misery sadness sorrow misfortune lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage deppression stress worry anxity lack poverty struggling asthma symptoms of asthma fat on my stomach...
asthma symptoms
country: unknown
marriage depression stress
misery sadness
misfortune loneliness singleness
single way area part
skin problems health problems
thin hair dark circles
worry anxiety
Very very urgent no no more dissappoitments no more delay no no more rejection in any way no no more critasism no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage sadness sorrow misery suffering deppression anxity lack poverty in my life please lord no more asthma symptoms of asthma no more...
country: unknown
depression anxiety
itchy scalp jo
loneliness singleness lateness
lore dark circles
marriage sadness
single wash area part
skin blemishes
thin hair
Very very urgent all. All.all fat leave be gone permanently from my whole stomach hips whole hips arms legs whole body permanently never ever ever return evef please please please lord make mh whole whole motablism alot alot alot faster please please please lord in every single way right now...
All all fat leave permanently be gone permanently totally dissolve permanently please please lord from my whole stomach hips arms legs whole body never ever return ever right now in jesus christ name I ask you please lord please make my whole stomach please please lord incredibly incredibly pure...
Urgent lord your words says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lord remove all all all fat that is tormenting me please permanently from my whole stomach hips whole body arms legs permanently right now please please lord never ever return ever please lord now without any delay...
Very urgent all fat leave my stomach hips as kegs body permanently in every way right now never ever return ever my stomach be be incredibly flat tonned tight in every single way as I desire right now always my whole motablism be alot alot alot faster in every single way as I desire right now...
Very very urgent all all fat that is tormenting me leave leave permanently my whole whole stomach hips permanently in every single way right now permanently never ever ever return ever right now I jesus christ name I command my stomach Incredibly incredibly pure pure flat tonned tight in every...
Lord your words say ask ask anc I will recieve lord I stand on your words I ask you please please heal me permanently please from all deppression all heaviness all ancity all fears all suffering all sadness all sorrow all misery all lonleyness all singleness all thin hair all fat on my stomach...
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please please remove all all fat please from my stomach hips whole body thag ix tormenting me right now never ever return ever please please lord make mu whole motablism alot alot alot faster in every way right now always please please lord maje my stomach...
Urgent all all fat on my stomach hips that is tormenting me be gone permanently dissolve permanently in every way right now never ever return ever in jesus christ name please please lord make my stomach please please incredibly flag tonned tight as I desire right now always please in jesus...
All all all fat be gone permanently from my stomach hips in every way right now never ever return please please make my stomach lord pure pure flat tonned tight as I desire right now always please in jesus christ namess