
  1. tndrheart2009

    Safe return of my grandson Carter

    My exdaughterinlaw took our grandson out of state and we don't really know where. Help me pray for his safe return there is a court date Monday. I am hurt and devastated. Please pray for my family.
  2. Enklemyria

    Prayers for direction and success

    With the world in the state it’s in I pray for our world and that the lord will lead and put the right people in my path, within my work and job and open doors to blessings needed for finances and health. Thank you for your prayers
  3. Steven Bobb

    That these polls showing Biden ahead by ...

    That these polls showing Biden ahead by a landslide in every state are wrong or just biased hype.{Like in 2016)We don't need a Democrat in, pushing for unGodly issues like abortion and gay "marriage", to woo their "base." Our base is God, why would we want someone pushing for those things?Yet{if...
  4. Francis Kusi

    I was planning to move out of ...

    I was planning to move out of state some time ago to relocate to Texas but i didn't have enough money saved and i was afraid I would not have enough money to pay my first rent. And during that time there weren't any apartments available. I currently live in Rhode Island but I'm not very happy...
  5. hisdaughter123

    We need a miracle. It would take ...

    We need a miracle. It would take a miracle for my husband to leave this state we're living in. He loves his job too much. I'm praying they open up an office in Idaho and offer him a job there. God can do more than I can imagine.
  6. Sparklee

    "For judgment will be merciless to one ...

    "For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment."(James 2:13) Lord thank You that You are merciful teach all of us to be merciful to one another and understand You look at the heart, You are interested in bringing us forward no matter what state we...
  7. josemathew

    pray for my daughter who is in ...

    pray for my daughter who is in observation who came from other state to complete the stipulated period of 14 days successfully without any problems or symptoms . Also pray for reduction of transmission of this corona epidemics.
  8. Muani

    Prayer please

    Mr. Lalnunmawia, 70+seriously I'll, he is Christsin man. His son is in another state, struggling now to see his father. Please pray with us.
  9. Gran

    Kids need prayer.

    My grandkids need prayer please. They do not see the truth, nor do they want to. The mother says she has done no wrong ever in her life, yet she killed her unborn baby, lies to the judge and therapists and continues to be in contempt of court. They need to be out of this state. It is not...
  10. Steven Bobb

    A problem here--my mother died a few ...

    A problem here--my mother died a few months ago, and now there's a credit card company who she owed{and not peanuts} to,who, when I sent in a death certificate to them,, "ratted me out" to a collection agency who is pressuring me to pay.I have a bunch of other bills ,that wouldn't work for me...
  11. Mirilydon

    Dear lord...please help me find a job ...

    Dear lord...please help me find a job soon.please financially my state is really bad and i urgently need a job..please pray for me..i have a meeting for an internship kind of practise please pray that they will offer me pay..i really need money for bills and needs..please let them offer a
  12. Thumtys

    Please pray for me. I was laid ...

    Please pray for me. I was laid off at the end of April. I have been putting in applications to no avail. The state has not contacted me yet to set up unemployment. Please pray that they set it up and send me money soon. Thank you and may God bless you and your family for your kind and giving hearts.
  13. Carolinetage

    Our state was peaceful bfor. Without Corona ...

    Our state was peaceful bfor. Without Corona cases. But since last month of may suddenly one patient found positive. He was a student who was studying in the . After his return till now 21 case rised. They're all returnee from different city's. Who bought this virus unaware...
  14. Carolinetage

    Our state was very peaceful no case ...

    Our state was very peaceful no case of Corona. Now it has reached to 4 patients. Do pray for them Those who are inflected. Pray for healing in Jesus name amen. thank you
  15. Carolinetage

    Our state has arrived cases of ...

    Our state has arrived cases of Corona patient. Recently !! our state was safe zone. With no Corona cases. Please do kindly pray for Both the Corona patients in Jesus name. To be healed soon. To recover soon. And no more new cases to come again. Thank you
  16. Trimiarh


    Pastor Alph Lukau Shalom,My name is Mercy Appoh living in the state. I came a cross your record sermon on YouTube and have been watching it ever since. We thank GOD for all that HE is doing through you for the kingdom. somebody sent me test that devil can pull a truck and lungs disease I die...
  17. Steven Bobb

    Guard against hypocrisy

    Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites many times, showing that hypocrisy is not something to be praised.Moving on to our day, we see examples of it.The governor of Michigan says the reason she stands by delaying opening her state is because she "doesn't want to risk human life'. Yet I've read...
  18. Advocate for people


    Dear brothers and sisters of this prayer request forum, Please pray for the state of our union! The covid19 virus has held many of our people incapacitated. We need the strength of prayer to our God to heal us as a world effort. This is the time that we all should show forgiveness, hope, faith...
  19. Sturonly

    My name is Lookson Lemani and from ...

    My name is Lookson Lemani and from Malawi...The email i have used is my daughter's email because Iam not able to type because Iam blind..I have been in this state for 5 years now..and i have travelled to many hospitals just to regain my sight..but to no avail rather i was just diagnosed with...
  20. Shinhen

    Please pray for me , as I ...

    Please pray for me , as I am going to start my journey this week , i was stuck in other state for almost 2 months now and am going back to my hometown ,pray that i may reach home safely and not infecting deadly corona virus .please pray for my health too ,as i have heart problem.
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