“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Cor 13:13
Good day brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your...
“A man who truly knows the Creator can see the Creator in all things. Respect His creation."
Good day brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your...
“With Christ we can weather any storm.”
– Psalm 107:29
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for...
Do not let the outside noise disrupt your inner peace. Fixated on the chaos is time away from God's inner-peace. The keyword is 'fixated'.
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and...
God has a miracle breakthrough for your life.
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for Your love...
Sickness is beaten by how you live. Keep pushing forward!
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You for Your faithfulness and...
“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within."
Maya Angelou
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for your well-being today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You for Your...
“We are not a mere project created by God. We are His children with the benefits of His love. Our Father hears our prayers and knows what's best for us. Keep the faith."
- C444
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You...
“Lord give us wisdom to reason and the courage to remain steadfast on the righteous path. Expose those architects behind the hate for nothing can be hidden from You. Our Inner Peace shall prevail.
- C444
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father...
“Prayers are to Christians like stretches are to marathon runners. It readies you for the race. You can't start your day without them."
- C444
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for...
“Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." - Kierkegaard
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You for Your faithfulness...
“It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” Romans 8:34 (NKJV)
Here is one of many examples of Jesus praying for us, so we need to pray for others.
Hello brothers and sisters. I love you all. I'm praying for...
"Once you realize the power of gratefulness, you begin to focus on what you have and not what you lack.”
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your...
In the beginning and in the end...In the beginning God loved us and in the end His Love will annulled time for us and replace it with eternity.”
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and...
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and...
"Never forget that God isn’t bound by time the way we are. We see only the present moment; God sees everything. We see only part of what He is doing; He sees it all."
- Billy Graham
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I...
" Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you."
-NIV ~Proverbs 4:25
"Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions." MSG
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this...
"Love and hatred are lifestyles. Love forgives and hatred avenge! Peace or turmoil lies in the balance. It is and will always be your decision. Don't blame anyone else for what you are feeling inside. You own that!"~C444
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today...
“Relationships endure because of forgiveness and gratefulness. The main components of love."
Hello brothers and sisters.I love you all. I'm praying for you today.
Heavenly Father, our God of Love, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day for us to share Your Gospel. Thank You...