heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from satanic attacks from spiritual attacks. I committ my life my 💜 & my brain in your care this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
father in heaven pls protect me from satanic attacks from idolatry from spiritual attacks. Pls save me from & help me receive new job. In JESUS name. AMEN.
1)To deliver me from spiritual attacks of find my self romancing in dream. 2)For peace of mind to restored in me. 3) for the success of my unwaiting first semester result.
father in heaven I need continuous protection from satanic attacks evil mindsets wicked mindsets temptations & spiritual attacks. Pls destroy all curses in my life & destroy all roadblocks & anyone or anything that is hindering me from becoming successful. Pls destroy all negative soul ties so...
continuous protection
country: unknown
name amen
negative people
negative soul ties
satanic attacks evil mindsets
successful pls
Dawan in the hospital healing and restoration, his family divine protection. Joquain deliverance from spiritual attacks, his wife has not been treating him and his children well. God Blessings to you all.
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from satanic attacks & from spiritual attacks. Pls give me nice rest this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
Good morning people Go my name is kum Zacheus bache please I wish you to pray for me and my family setback,sickness and especially this my brother kum Anthony he having spiritual attacks thank you Emmanuel.
heavenly father pls forgive me of my sins and iniquities. Pls make me holy & pure. Pls make me more prayer person make me have relationship with you. Pls soften my 💜. Pls give me peaceful rest this night. Pls protect me from manipulation & retaliation from failure from sin from anger from...
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls forgive me of my sins & iniquities. Pls make my brain & 💜 holy & pure. Pls protect me from spiritual attacks & satanic mindsets. Pls give me peaceful rest this night.
Good morning God thank you Prayer request for SPIRITUAL ATTACKS.. Targeted individuals..help and save us God &protect my family in your name Jesuschrist amen.