Hello, please pray for all curse and voodo and hexes and curse abs witchcraft abs love spells and incantations to be removed from Chrysler Dealership and Abra and Ramkota Hotel immediately abs not to return and Gods protection around everyone who works at these places today, thank you
Hello, please pray fir God to protect my family and my husband Shawn from Roxann all weekend and every day that she can’t cast anymore love spells or curses on us anymore
Hello, please pray foR God to protect our children fro all witch and demons and evil and spells to be removed from them immediately and especially my husband Shawn who doesn’t believe thank you
Hello, please pray fir my looks to be restored and all witchcraft to be taken away forever all spells to be broken so it can’t hurt anyone including myself thank you
Lord ... please unite me with my g n cla all blockages of communication with him.... lord unite me with m and clear all blockages... ĺord please start what was stopped by magic orspells ... start my healing and lord please protect and gather my stuff.... give me a place and give me money... I...
Father God in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. Through the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ, we destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer and all other powers of darkness. Through the blood of Jesus we...
country: united states
future generations
other powers
spirit guides helps
voodoo hoodoo roots potions
witch warlock wizard sorcerer
witchcraft evil powers
Father God in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. Through the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ, we destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer and all other powers of darkness. Through the blood of Jesus we...
country: united states
future generations
other powers
spirit guides helps
voodoo hoodoo roots potions
witch warlock wizard sorcerer
witchcraft evil powers
Dear children of God, I found out that my mother side of the family been casting spells and cursing me. Pray that the Lord protects me from such attacks and that the Lord would heal me from them. Thank you so much.
My name is alice& im asking you & your ministry too pray urgent prayers for my fiance roderick hickmon that every voodoo witchcraft or any spells that whoemever has laid hands over him will be broken& will be return back too the sender
Hello, please pray fir all black magic and witchcraft to be removed from my family immediately especially come abs my husband Shawn for all love spells and tormenting spirits to be removed immediately and not to come back fir a hedge of Gods protection around all of us and my Dad Richard too...
I would like deliverance from the demon of blasphemy, self-destruction, rejection, pride and insanity.
Also prayer against Santaria: Curses, spells and attacks.
Hello, please pray fir things to turn concerning Aiden and our time spent with him also that his mother Roxann wouldn’t cause anymore problems abs all her spells and witchcraft to be binded thank you
Praying that all witchcraft plotted against us to be exposed and for the Lord to dismantle and destroy all spells and all objects used and unmask deceivers exposed them Father, have all workers of iniquity any attached to us to be severed and never united again in Jesus Name Amen!
Hello, please pray fir Aiden and for Roxann today for healing and salvation and deliverance from witchcraft also that any and all spells will not touch my family or my marriage thank you
Pray for my husband comes out jail soon please god let this woman to stay away from him she keep doing on us spells to destroy our relationship he keep fight with me with no reason and I find out she visited him I really had enough of this woman Giselle didn't want to leave him alone
Prayer for deliverance from the spirit of blasphemy, self destruction and the Spirit that imitates the blessed Holy Spirit.
Prayer for God to rise up against all Santaria curses, spells and witchcraft attack against me, my family and the Good News Release Center of the Prophetic Church of God...
blasphemy self destruction
country: jamaica
divine direction
good news release center
holy spirit
prophetic church
santeria curses
Hello, please pray for God to protect my entire family from spells and incantations and witchcraft also that God would protect us from Roxann too thank you