O sovereign Lord, once again, I claim healing from my constant lower back pain along with my hip, muscle thigh, and groin pain which prevents me from walking properly. Amen
O sovereign Lord and master. To mature in all ways as a human being is to grow in knowledge, understanding, and finally wisdom. The less we do this, the more mistakes we make. I ask for personal growth in understanding and wisdom to complement knowledge so that I will mature in all ways as a...
O sovereign Lord and master, I claim healing from my constant lower back and muscle thigh pain especially on my left thigh which prevents me from walking properly caused from bad posture. Amen
O sovereign Lord, once again, I claim healing from my constant lower back pain along with my muscle thigh pain which prevents me from walking properly. Amen
O sovereign Lord, I’m still waiting for my next chapter to be fulfilled. Many repeated prayers raised by me are yet to be answered. So many promises made by You are yet to be fulfilled. For me, every day and night, I feel it has been the longest wait this season but I still hope it will end. So...
O sovereign Lord, I claim my healing from all my daily physical symptoms of pain, toenail fungus, belly fat, high blood pressure, prediabetes, frequent urination, hay fever, poor memory, and physical stiffness within my body. Amen
Please pray with me for a young one in need. Our most sovereign God knows all about this child and can help the young one. There will be a coronation of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord of all. Our God reigns. We love you...
Isiah 61:1 The spirit of sovereign Lord is upon me ,for the Lord is upon me ,for the Lord has announced me to bring good news to the poor.He has sent me to comfort the broken hearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.
Sovereign God and God of all the earth, im praying for Alex and his family to touch their hearts not to raise our rent. Thank you for your faithfulness. Amen
Sovereign God and God of all the earth, im praying for Alex and his family to touch their hearts not to raise our rent. Thank you for your faithfulness. Amen
Father, thank You that You are the sovereign God who alone knows what is best for me. I’m not going to let a secret frustration sour my life. I declare that Your grace is sufficient for me. Whether it ever changes or not, I declare that I’m still going to be my best and stay in faith. In Jesus’...
I pray that the Sovereign Lord may remember my son and I.A young mom who's unemployed.I feel like a burden esp to my parents.I have applied for jobs,dropping papers and the stress is taking a toll on me.I feel dyspenic and fatigued so much that I lack the energy to smile or play with my son.I...
I'm stucked in a wrong relationship and I have planned to leave. But I'm trembling with fear and emotional trauma. May God heal my broken heart and crushed spirit. Deliver me o Sovereign Lord. Grant me inner peace. Amen 🙏
Pray God breaks the stronghold of fear and replace with trust in God, the ultimate authority! Heal me today! Praise our sovereign God!! “God does not give a spirit of fear, but power, love & sound mind!”
Lord, recently I've seen people who drink a lot. I pray for the mental health of these people. Please help them, my Sovereign God, you're the everlasting Lord, and you're the beginning and the end. Please support their soul. Please find a way to save them, my God. I pray that people who need...
Glorious Sabbath Day people of God
(Just a "private" little love note to my Sovereign LORD and Savior)
All I had to offer was brokenness and strife, but with just one look, everything changed. SO VERY MUCH IN LOVE WITH YOU.
Inspiration courtesy of GTR
beautiful inspiration
country: united states
glorious sabbath day people
one look
private little love note
Glory and honour be unto your holy name. My brothers and sisters let us continue to trust and rely on God for indeed he is a sovereign God. I brought some prayer requests to God he is a faithful God . He has heard and answered. I will continue to trust in him alone
God has imparted much to me during this Lenten season. I pray, in Jesus name, that many will have ears to hear.
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.