social security

  1. Cecelia Burton

    I lost my job at a Day ...

    I lost my job at a Day Care Center due to the COVID-19 pandemic . I am 78 and no one will hire me due to my age. I have a home and I am in jeopardy of losing my home if I can not earn money. My pension and social security is not enough alone to save it. I need a financial blessing to save my...
  2. Oglonian

    Mary needs help by Wednesday to pay ...

    Mary needs help by Wednesday to pay her electric bill, water bill so she won’t lose her place to live. No income since her husband died 9 months ago . The stimulus check didn’t come. She applied for social security she is disabled. Lord You are Mary’s Shepherd to feed, to guide, and to Shield...
  3. Helplord

    Pray I am not in trouble with ...

    Pray I am not in trouble with social security I been making payments monthy n haven't received the letter to send my payment in n I pray I was dedt free with good credit
  4. Hope4joy

    My Lord, I pray for President Trump, ...

    My Lord, I pray for President Trump, Mike Pence, everyone in office at the White House, Secretary General etc. Please bring peace and order in the White House. Please guide our leaders and bless them with heavenly wisdom to guide and govern my country. Especially protect them and their families...
  5. Leeg2008

    It seems lots of people are having ...

    It seems lots of people are having trouble with disability now me. Please pray social security dont cut off my check and disability keep me on it. Ijnipa
  6. BonnieSue 61

    Please keep me in prayer name Bonnie ...

    Please keep me in prayer name Bonnie to get my social security really need get are rent paid for June and have money left over get things we need for our home please keep me and my husband in prayer for my health ty
  7. Chrisnens

    increase in va pension

    I am a widow living on social security and a very small VA pension.Because of my illness I shold be entitled to more because my pension is so low according to a VA rep.I can only keep my home if I get an increase in the near future.I so appreciate prayer.Thank you,Mary Jane
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