please pray I can get through my trials and not get vexed or angry or feel like giving up. That I continue to forgive my enemies and pray for them and that I manage to get throug the day without smoking. Thanks for praying God bless also please pray for my daugther that she will give up smoking...
For Joel to be delivered from smoking. He has been completely off of them for 7 days, resisting the cravings as best as he can, for God to help him to no longer have the cravings and to hate cigarettes, and for him to be hungry for God above all else. And for Karen, who Is a believer, to be...
Please pray for me to hear and obey only Jesus voice. For the cia voice to skull, voices of demons and my own ego voices to be silenced. To give up smoking and one unspoken. Thanks for praying, God bless.
please pray for me urgent unspoken plus prayer that I will be able to quit smoking really soon im in too much of a bad place right now to give up but want to try again in a few days. Thanks for praying, God bless
I need prayers for Crishon Alfred, my step grandson. He is smoking marijuana, walked out of church because of the company he is keeping. I covet your prayers that he come off the block stop the smoking, come back to church and do something meaningful with his life. He is eighteen years of age...
Please pray I can give up smoking I feel like Jesus is saying I have a month now to stop or my tribulations will worsen. He got me of heroin and crack years ago but I have only experienced defeat everytime I try to give up smoking. I can't describe how angry and desperate it makes me I have...
Lord please help me asap, I have put down all my bad habits including smoking and now I believe I will just smoke natural cigarettes once in a while. Hope that's okay and I wait for you to Baptist me with the holy spirit. In Jesus name amen
Hello, everyone! God seems to be telling me to quit smoking pot and cigarettes. Pray for me that I can see it through to the finish line. AMEN AND ALLELUJIAH! PRAISE GOD! ALLELUJIAH!
Lord , please restore my parents marriage with peace,joy, happiness and forgiveness in between them. Please deliver my brother from the addiction of smoking and disrespectfulness and make his life align with your plans for him. Lord please send down destruction to anyone who has sent any member...
Pl pray for my son who is under bad influence of smoking and drinking, bad friend circle, foual mouth , bad temper, and moves at night every day comes late at night, we as parent are very worried, as he had failed in his 10th standard exams, now we have filled form for October exam where he is...
I need major changes in my life. Money, luck, health, moving I ask for a whole new relationship with God and life. Past time. Been awful since I was a little kid. like when my mom got killed a curse took over in the family. Please remove it. Out smoking. Amen! Cannot seem to remove from...
No smoking in the train or near of the entrence in Jesus name. All the smoke enters into the train. People respectful and respecting law and other people. Everywhere i go amen. TODAY AND THIS WHOLE WEEK.
No bullies and arrogant people amen.