small bowel obstruction syndrome

  1. Jesussaves89

    urgent: my grandma needs helaign of small ...

    urgent: my grandma needs helaign of small bowel obstuction syndrome crampoing bowel problems very painful for her . he need helaign of diahrrea. digestion problems obstructions blockages and HGh blood opressure. Please Lord intervene right now pelase and deliver her form trapped waste aeaisly...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lor dplease hela my dads ankles pelas ...

    Lor dplease hela my dads ankles pelas ehal his spine please dleiver form form flehs eatign bacteria . please giv ehim Your salvation. please dleiver himf orm lonliness. please ehal him emotionally. please send trillion of Holy angels tominister from Yur throen and brin g helaign to him. please...
  3. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for my grandmas health. she ...

    pleas epray for my grandmas health. she has been bedridden for years please Lor dhela her of small bowel obstruciton syndroem and dementia. pleas eheal her by your holy spirit and remove all flesh eaitn g bacteria and all sickness and diseases too. please heal her Lord. have merc.y help me be a...
  4. Jesussaves89

    felt Gods ehalign presence thank yu Lord ...

    felt Gods ehalign presence thank yu Lord Jeus Chirst. please dleiver me from periodontosis disease adn metabloic acidosis. plea ehal my grandma of small bowel obstruction syndroem high blood pressure. please give her proper bowel movements. please pray fo rher to be heae d of dementia and bloos...
  5. Jesussaves89

    thank you please pray the Lord heals ...

    thank you please pray the Lord heals my grandma form dmeentia and small bowle obstruciton syndrome urgently please high blood pressur eplease. thanky ou thank oyu int henam oe four Lord and Savior the Lord Jesus Chris ti pray
  6. Jesussaves89

    urgent my grandma needs to be heale ...

    urgent my grandma needs to be heale dof small bowel obstruciton syndrom she has trapped gases and waste. i am eternallly graetful for oyuir prayers.Lor dpleas ehelp
  7. Jesussaves89

    URGENT prayer request. my grandmother Schnieder Vilémosné ...

    URGENT prayer request. my grandmother Schnieder Vilémosné has small bowel obstruction syndorem because of osteoporosis and muscle deformities hip prosthetics misalignment muscle atrophy deformations. she cannot get rig od waste easily she cannot eat or drink much . This has been goign on for...
  8. Jesussaves89

    Praise report:: I felt healign on my ...

    Praise report:: I felt healign on my tonsils facial bones in my eyesa dn jaw alignment! Praises to our Lord Jesus Christ foreevr!!! thank OYu Lord I love You!! I thank YOu for eternal life for your salvation. I pray all be saved by Hima nd healed by Him Lord guide us into all truth via your Holy...
  9. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray the Lor d heals my ...

    pleas epray the Lor d heals my grandma compeelte form mal nutrition blood suagr issues bacterial infections tumors cancers ( oif she has that ) wsmall bowel obstruction syndormof type 1 diabetes and kidney disases pelas epra ytha tmy movhter is healed of aspergers syndorm and osteoporisis and...
  10. Jesussaves89

    wish god coudl hela my broken teeth ...

    wish god coudl hela my broken teeth broken life broken heart. Lord heklp em with tasks. if it is even possibel Lord i ask You help me toda in everyway.Lord hela my grandma dementia heal her blood pressure heal he rsmall bowel obstruction syndrome heal her kidneys and heart. please hela my mosm...
  11. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: thank you for prayer si ...

    Praise report: thank you for prayer si have recieved much helaign in my bodyteeth and facial bones adn kidney workign better.please ocntinue tot pray that the Lord Compeltes heals my of my blood sugar problems.please also ned healing flesh eatign bacteria that ate my teeth and gums and
  12. Jesussaves89

    LORD please aksign for ymiracle now emergrency ...

    LORD please aksign for ymiracle now emergrency my grandma has very high blood pressure dshe cannot get waste out their is a blockage please pray urgent.. maybe kidney stone NEND miracle NOW Pleas epelas epray the Lord helps now i can tjust go to her caus emy mom always sends me out an di need to...
  13. Jesussaves89

    prais ereport: my grandma has tiny bit ...

    prais ereport: my grandma has tiny bit of muscle asking the lord Jeus Chirst to heal her compeltle form dmeentia malnutrion and small bowle onbstruction syndrome by HSI power He is so God He is the grea tphysician. While grandmahas been bedridden for years the Lor dis healer!!! Lord help me obey...
  14. Jesussaves89

    EMERGENCY . my grandm Shcneide rVilmsoné need ...

    EMERGENCY . my grandm Shcneide rVilmsoné need urgent helaing NOW !! PLA ie beg you Pleas eprway that her blood pressure goes down and she can eat properly againf or the glor yo f God and the Lord removes all obstructions and dleivers her form al unclean spirits and helas all her flehs beggign...
  15. Jesussaves89

    pleas epry or my grandmas blood pressure ...

    pleas epry or my grandmas blood pressure dementiasmallbowel obstruction syndrom and digestiont o be healed. pleas epray for her to have pancreas healed.please pray for her heart and brian to be healed. and all her body. Lord Jeus Chris tplease save her soul and hela her.
  16. Jesussaves89


    PLEAS IE EBG YOU SOMEOEN PRAY FO RME . i am cairng for my grandma and my mom is CONStantly bullying me over clenaing but i cannot clean because she always yells at me. someone pelas ehlp me i suffer from peripheral nerupathy and diabetes. i am in constant illness trying to care for my aspergers...
  17. Jesussaves89

    urgent.please pray for my grandma she has ...

    urgent.please pray for my grandma she has a deformned body cannot get waste out easily cannout eat much at all for Years shehasdementiaandsmall boel obstruction syndrone please pray her bloodpressure does Not go hugh to damageherheart andbrain anothertime. shenneedshealing in heartand brain...
  18. Jesussaves89

    urgent.please pray for my grandma she has ...

    urgent.please pray for my grandma she has a deformned body cannot get waste out easily cannout eat much at all for Years shehasdementiaandsmall boel obstruction syndrone please pray her bloodpressure does Not go hugh to damageherheart andbrain anothertime. shenneedshealing in heartand brain...
  19. Jesussaves89

    pleas peray of rmy grandm ahwo has ...

    pleas peray of rmy grandm ahwo has dementia. pelase and and small bowel onstruciton syndorme i need her to be heale dby the lor dpelase pray also for my dads to be healed comleletle yof all helath issue sincludign spinal fracture shourlde rbones and gout in ankle and flehs eatin g bacter...
  20. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for my grnadma to be ...

    pleas epray for my grnadma to be heale dof dementia miraculouilsy by the ord Jeus Chirst i need helaign of kidney disease and so does she as well as circulaiton . ipleas ehal all of su who have any type fo diabetes and diabete sinsipidus tumor etc in fmaily. hela my moms peridontosis disease...
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