Please jesus i have completed my interview but it was not perfect …i made a lot of mistakes and my presentation was imperfect.i know that im at a disadvantage here but please jesus even though im a sinner for not always doing the best for me as well as others and also seeking your grace when im...
I feel very lonely I love to play football with friends but they didn't even care calling me I am always alone I don't have practical knowledge I have no confidence only fear. I like to have close friends but nobody is interested to be close friends with me. everyone forgets me I asked lord but...
I am a sinner , lord I am trying to do better , pls don’t close the door on me , pls forgive me. May my family experience peace n love today , May my wife n kid’s experience your love lord .
I don't have hope anymore I am a sinner. My heart is so heavy I can't bear it anymore. This is a consequence of my sin.I think death is the only way out
I know I am a sinner , I am trying to do better . Lord help with my issues . Pls stop the evil against me and my family , I need restoration in my life n marriage . Stop all evil people destroying my life T , M and cousins who hate me . Lord help
Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that You raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do Your will. I pray...
Teach me your ways oh God so I will know that it is you Teach my thy paths oh God I'm tired of being a sinner Show me the truth that I know Give me thy true directions that I will follow oh God.Amen
Oooh lord l thank you for the gift of new time you have given me.. l deeply come to you forgive me always l truely believe that am a sinner in my words and thoughts.. grant my mum strength and power let her acknowledge that by your will everything is possible.. let her through the storms let her...
God, I've realised that I'm a sinner, but even sinners pray for the ones they know whom I love...sure you do...she's so beautiful and kind...she doesn't deserve to suffer this way...please God, let her be happy, content and healthy... that's all I wish for...
Ooh Lord thank you for your love and clear.. forgive me always never desert me.. Am a sinner l believe... for give my enemies and grant them an opportunity to view my success always... grant knowledge and love plus wisdom to my family, grant a way to my mummy make her stronger and courageous...
I thank God for his protection and love, l thank you for letting khayaki to pay me back, it was by your will and knowledge, oooh Lord l know am a sinner in my words and actions some times l can talk much my God, but l deeply come at you let Bond forgives me, in my words, brush away...
Lord, I have sinned; forgive me; O God, be merciful to me a sinner. Because Thou willest not the death of the sinner, rather that he be repented and be lived.
I confess that I have sinned against thee. In this fallen nature, I confess that I have sinned I'm no more worthy to be called a son of...
I am so worried. So anxious. So tired of praying. Worn out with it and getting no resolve for anything I ever pray for. I know I am a sinner. I know I am not good. But all I want is good for my kids and family and even prayers for others don’t happen. I am scared to death right now and begging...