
  1. Anonymous

    Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

    Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  2. Foggyl

    I need God's mercy and forgiveness, because ...

    I need God's mercy and forgiveness, because I'm a sinner. Secondly I God to increase my faith in him and use me mightily for the glorification his name.
  3. Anonymous

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a ...

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Your righteous judgment is true and correct and in it You have had so much mercy upon my life, thank You so much. I would like to accomplish to be more like You, meekness and lowly of heart. Please help me, it is impossible for me, however, it is not for You...
  4. Takpia

    Prayer for healing from the crown of ...

    Prayer for healing from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. Oh Lord have mercy on me a sinner and hear my cry for healing. Send forth Your healing power from Heaven and heal me and my aunty in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏🙏🙏
  5. Anonymous

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a ...

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Your righteous judgment is true and correct and in it You have had so much mercy upon my life, thank You so much. I would like to accomplish to be more like You, meekness and lowly of heart. Please help me, it is impossible for me, however, it is not for You...
  6. Anonymous

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a ...

    O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Your righteous judgment is true and correct and in it You have had so much mercy upon my life, thank You so much. I would like to accomplish to be more like You, meekness and lowly of heart. Please help me, it is impossible for me, however, it is not for You...
  7. Metsing

    Father Almighty I thank You for all ...

    Father Almighty I thank You for all that You do for me, for hearing my prayers even though I am a sinner and for protecting my family and I. This I thank in the name of Yeshuwa the Messiah. Amen.
  8. Ringyl

    I just finished watching your program about ...

    I just finished watching your program about abortion, i have done more abortions than I can count. Please i need your prayer, i am a sinner and I have not kept any of God's commandments but I Love to come to God for His Mercy and forgiveness. 😭😭😭Please pray for me and with me. 🙏🙏🙏
  9. csaaphill

    Father I praise your name and I ...

    Father I praise your name and I give you thanks for your son's death for us. I am a sinner and ask to be forgiven for them all named and unnamed but forgiven. To be washed and cleansed and have the Holy spirit fight this nutsack for me. Meaning let me and help me deliver TI's Targeted...
  10. csaaphill

    Father in heaven I come before you ...

    Father in heaven I come before you a sinner and confess my sins. I give you all the praise and thanks you deserve and will always hold you first not second. I thank you that my brain is soverign over any robot or any demons or anyother technology trying to subtly take me over and protected...
  11. Anonymous

    Have mercy on me Lord I am ...

    Have mercy on me Lord I am sinner I need u always pls forgive me pls do something good in my marriage my studies my job I beg u why did u give me alfe these many years so many objections in my family for accepting alfe I beg u pls forgive me alfe our sins against you pls Appa do a miracle in my...
  12. joslin

    Have mercy on me Lord I am ...

    Have mercy on me Lord I am sinner I need u always pls forgive me pls do something good in my marriage my studies my job I beg u why did u give me alfe these many years so many objections in my family for accepting alfe I beg u pls forgive me alfe our sins against you pls Appa do a miracle in my...
  13. csaaphill

    Father in heaven as a sinner and ...

    Father in heaven as a sinner and your sons gift of grace I gongratualte you for defeating the enemy the devil. Iaslo give you thanks and praise for all the other good you do. You save those who don't deserver it but you still do each and every day. I give you the praise you deserve for the fact...
  14. csaaphill

    Father in heaven giving you praise and ...

    Father in heaven giving you praise and thanks for all you do and as a sinner I come before you now knowing someone is using Mantra Chants to try and destroy me and I give you thanks for your sons death on the Cross and his protection from eastern Religion chants. Even though through the air he...
  15. csaaphill

    Father I come beofre you in praise ...

    Father I come beofre you in praise of your holy name and give you thanks as you so richly deserve. I've been a sinner and admit my haughtyness and bitterness agianst my enemies and come to you to ask for forgiveness in these matters. While I don't understand how I can pray for the wicked to...
  16. Tuchmum

    Thank you lord for loving me unconditionally ...

    Thank you lord for loving me unconditionally I’m a sinner forgive me wash me cleaning have mercy on me I pray for retentive memories,Favour,grace,miracles the exams will be a success amen
  17. Cumdan

    Dear god i know I’m a sinner ...

    Dear god i know I’m a sinner please forgive me for my sins. God please help me so that Gisselle gets her period and that she’s not pregnant and everything would be okay I have faith god that you would protect us even though we sinned Please god hear my prayer I ask for forgiveness in Jesus name Amen
  18. Des Denisse

    Please forgive me my sins Lord. Have ...

    Please forgive me my sins Lord. Have mercy of me a sinner. In Jesus name. Amen.
  19. Umlarre

    Oh lord I am a sinner, please ...

    Oh lord I am a sinner, please forgive my sins. Take away all curse from me . Bless my mom, husband and daughter. Bless me. I am suffering from financial problems from four years. Pls help me. With out ur blessing and help nothing is possible. Please lord bless to get rid from my financial...
  20. Roldori

    I'm a sinner I want to be ...

    I'm a sinner I want to be born again Christian I need the lord in my life my life is falling apart and I'm using drugs but I really want to stop and only God can help me I can't to it alone
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