I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments with any any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watsapp videos face time videos any photographes taken of me please lord that I need to delete feel insecure about no no more in any way form ever ever again in...
Lord lord thank you me and Paul a were laughing smiling alot today lord I ask you please please bless make me and Paul a relashionship alot alot closer stronger flourish bless us to both totally connect in every way level bless us both please lord with a divine connection in every way a divine...
Paul a can't can't wait to see me tomorrow in jesus christ name our relationship is getting alot stronger closer blessed protected flourishes flourishes in jesus christ name every part of Paul a lights up lights up incredibly when he sees me with me always please lord Paul a is is incredibly...
Lord heal heal my nerves make them totally incredibly calm now always I will not not be nervous in any way form going dentist tomorrow please lord streanthen streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty power let your peace peace rule in my mind thoughts whole body life in jesus namess
Lord I pray I am not not nervous going to dentist in any way tomorrow please please streanthen every single part of me in power power right now more more every day let your peace that passes all all human understanding rule in my mind thoughts whole body now always please in jesus christ namess
Lord please please no no no more dissappoitments with any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete feel insecure about hurts me soo much no no more in any way ever again please please lord bless make me every single part of me please lord look incredibly incredibly beautiful...
Lord please please heal me from all all every nerve problems all anxity all fear all deppression all sadness all sorrow than hair itchy scalp all every dark circles hollows under my eyes asthma every all symptoms of asthma all lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage heal every part of me in...
No no no more dissappoitments please please in any way form with any photographes videos taken of me that I nedd to delete feel insecure about no no more ever again I decree and declare I am I am incredibly amazly awsomley outstsndly so so very very photogenic in every single way there is to be...
country: unknown
photographers videos
photographs videos
singlepartsingle way part
snap chat videos
stunning radiant glorious
Lord thank you for meeting Paul a I ask you please bless me and Paul a with a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love for each other in every way for us both to totally connect in every way level bless bless our relationship in every single way protect it make it flourish...
age gap
comfort counsel
country: unknown
divine connection
divine love
love connection
other woman
right words
strength courage boldness confidence
Lord I ask you please please please no no no more dissappoitments with any photographes videos taken of me in any way form that I need to delete feel insecure about never ever again ever please please lord your words say ask and I will recieve please please make me every single part of Me please...
Lord I pray p a can't can't wait to see me on Thursday lights up incredibly when he sees me with me next to ne close to me incredibly always that I see this very clearly p a is is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt before ever more more...
I will not not be nervous going to dentist on Thursday I will be incredibly super calm confident I will not not be nervous in any way any more in jesus christ sreanthen steanthen every single part of me in power power great mighty power power right now more more every day let your peace that...
Lord please please please streanthen streanthen every single part of Mr in power mighty mighty power right now more more every day please please please give me the power streanth courage confidence to ask p to meet up and I pray he is ecstatic cant wait to meet up with me in jesus name make our...
I decree and declare p a is madly strongly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt before experanced before ever we totally connect in every single way level we have a divine love connection in every single way p a proposes to me to me this year...
Lord please please bless me and Paul a to totalky connect in èvery single way bless us both with a divine connection in every single way a divine love for each other in every single way bless our relationship in every way protect it make it flourish alot alot closer stronger in every way bless...
Lord please please bless me and Paul a to totalky connect in èvery single way bless us both with a divine connection in every single way a divine love for each other in every single way bless our relationship in every way protect it make it flourish alot alot closer stronger in every way bless...
Lord lord please please please streanthen streanthen every single part of me in power power great mighty power right now more more every day let your peace that passes all human understanding rule rule please please lord in my mind whole body thoughts life I will not not be nervous going to...
I decree and declare Paul a can't wait to see me on Thursday everh single part of Paul a lights up lights up incredibly every single time he sees me with me meets me talks to me looks at me close to me incredibly always that I recognise this so very strongly Paul a is is incredibly incredibly...
Paul a is more more deeply incredibly madly in love with every single part of me in every single way more more every day Paul a wants to be with me only me forever and ever tells me this shows me this in every single way incredibly abundantly without any delay Paul a ask me to marry him this...
Please please all pray I decree and declare no no no no more dissappoitments with amu any photographes videos taken of me ever ever ever in any way form ever again that i need to delete feel very hurt insecure about hurts me too much lord in jesus christ name lord your words say ask ask and I...