Lord lord I ask you please please please bless your awsome awsome amazing incredibly incredibly beauty glory radiance to pm please be apon every single part of me please please lord in every single way please lord right now always Incredibly abundantly please lord in jesus christ namess
Lore lord please please renew restore my whoke health in every way peace joy hair skin teeth faith confidence in every way please please build boast my whole whole self esteem self worth self confidence incredibly abundantly in every single way right now alot alot alot more more every day please...
Lord I ask you please please bleedcme and pa please please lord with a divine divine connection in every single way to totally connect in every way a divine love for each other please lord in every way please bless bless me and pa relationship in every way protect it please please please lord...
Lord lord I ask you please please atreanthen streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty power right now more more every day in jesus christ name fill me with your peace that pasess all human understanding let your peace rule rule jn my whole mind thoughts whole body life fill me with...
Lord I ask you please please please renew restore please lore my whole health in every way my whole beauty apperance youth skin teeth hair confidence faith please lord in every single way I ask you lord please please please blesd me every single part of me please please lord to please please...
I decree and declare I will not not admire I am now now incredibly incredibly totally admired in every single way part of me right now always every where I am I go no no no more critasism to me about me in any way about my eyes under my eyes fave skin make up hair skin teeth figure health...
Please please please all pray I decree and declare in jesus christ name no no no more dissappoitments in any way form please please please lord with any any photographes videos taken of me please lord in any wah that I need to delete feel insecure about never ever ever please lord in any way...
country: unknown
girls women
mobile phone cameras
mobile phone videos
name decree
other people photographers videos
photographs videos
singlepartsingle way
snap chat
Please please all pray Lord lord please please rebuild my whole whole confidence whole self esteem self worth faith incredibly in every single way right now alot alot more more every day please please please lord renew restore please please lord my whole beauty youth figure skin teeth hair...
Please please all pray I decree and declare me and pa have a divine divine connection in every way totally connect in every wah hair a divine love for each other in every way me and pa relationship is nlessed blessed in every single way protected flourishes is getting alot alot closer stringer...
Lord lord please forgive me for all things lord photographes videos are so so very very important to me lord they create memories lord I am tired lord of admiring other peoples photographes videos uourcwirds say lord ask ask and I will recieve delight myself in you and you will give me the...
awsome incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
chat videos
country: unknown
face eyes teeth
mobile phone camera
mobile phone videos
other people photographs
singlepartsingle way part
snap chat photographers
Lord I ask you please please bless me and pa I really like with a divine divine connection in every way a divine love in every way bless me please lord to be a incredibly light blessing to him in every way give me all the right words supernatural wisdom with my words all the right words to heal...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa desires me only me no no other women ever in jesus christ name pa is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every way incredibly more more every day pa is is madly incredibly...
I decree and declare Pa desires me me only me no no other women ever pa love for me is growing stronger stronger stronger in every single way more more every day pa is incredibly incredibly attracted blown away with every single part of me in every way more than he has ever ever felt experanced...
Lord please please renew restore please my whole beauty youth hair skin teeth under eyes skin confidence faith please please please bless me every single part of me please please lord to please please look 25 25 years younger than what I really teallu truly am as I deeply desire in every single...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted blown away with every single part of me in every single way more than he has ever ever experanced before ever more more every day pa is is madly incredibly strongly...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is os growing stronger and stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every single way more than he's ever felt before ever more more every day pa is is incredibly madly strongly deeply incredibly in...
I decree and declare Pa desires me only me no no other women ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare Pa love attraction for me os growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly attracted blown away with every single part of me more alot alot more than he has ever...
I decree and declare Pa love for me attraction for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every way pa is is madly strongly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me in every way more than he has...
Very very urgent please please pray lord no no no no more dissappoitments with any any photographes videos taken of me in any way please lord never ever again please lord by your power renew restore my whoke beauty youth under eyes hair skin teeth faith confidence joy skin youth please please in...
Very very urgent please all pray Lord lord bless me and pa with a divine divine connection in every way a divine love in every way please bleee bleed our relationship in every single way protect it make it flourish give me all all the right things to say to pa I decree and declare Pa is is is...