LORD im so sorry for sin, not reading my Bible more, and waiting until the last minute to do things like this test and test review. please please be my strength of my mind, body, and soul. help me stop waiting until the last day/days to do things and do them all unto you for your glory! thank...
I was thinking last night if it is a sin to dispose of my remains before I pass away and if I give my body to science would the Lord be angry at me for doing so? What a about cremation. In hells burning fire, we all will burn in hell for ages to come and no one will say anything about it...
Praise the Lord! Please pray for the following: 1. God's will to be done in my life. 2. Deliverance from sin and for my salvation 3. I have debt around 8 lakhs, God should help me to clear those. 4. God should help me perform well in my current job (I have issues with communicating in English...
I am so mad at myself to watch stupid stuff. I am going to kept myself get strong to fight against that stuff. I would like to said sorry. I know it is sin.
Lord, please forgive my sin because it is wrong. I hope you forgive me. I know you loved me. I loved you too. I don’t know what happened to me. I actually need stop and stay away from sin in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I want to be free from bondages of sin and spiritual attack. I want a healing from heartburn due to gastritis problem for over 2 years, for bad eyesight, from feet pain and feet burn and many other health problems and also to be successful in life. I also want my mother to be healed completely...
bad eyesight
country: india
gastritis problem
many other health problems
severe headache body inflammation
spiritual attack
I felt it necessary to ask for this prayer again. Please pray for me that I would obey the Lord more and repent of things I struggle with that are a stumbling block for others. Pray for anyone in my life I would have led astray by not being obedient to the Lord and encouraging sin, not saying...
1 please God forgive me all my sin and brought me back to life (2) give me second chance don't let me die in sufferness of this Nigeria (3) bless my wife make give birth successful (4) please God bless me to take my care of my pregnant wife and money to register her for hospital
God has given me so much to share with the world, but I must start with this: Man cannot repent and continue in wrongdoing; nor can he engage in sin, planning to repent at a future date and time, for tomorrow is not promised.
2 Peter 3:9 (NLT) The Lord isn’t really being slow about his...
Please forgive me for falling into sin Lord. I am tired of being sad. I am just going to pray without expecting anything in return just all those mentioned in the book of Hebrews who walked by faith and prayed and never got what they wanted.
Please pray for me that I would obey the Lord more and repent of things I struggle with that are a stumbling block for others. Pray for anyone in my life I would have led astray by not being obedient to the Lord and encouraging sin, not saying anything, or partaking. Pray for everyone throughout...
Jesus please grant favor with my teachers
I had a bad reaction to medication and now I have flu symptoms
I really need more time for my test and meeting
Please let them grant several days more than what they said even
I’m sorry for the sin that brought this sickness upon me
Please heal my...
No one I meet seems to really desire to know you Lord, I mean really know you, even I am selfish, I desire to know you, to know the one who made me, I desire to die with you and be risen from the dead with you in paradise, in the new heaven and new earth in my new body that will never lust after...
Father God in Jesus name I ask for a heart and life that is pure and pleasing You. I ask to be obedient in ALL things. I pray Your will be done in these circumstances. I am trying so hard but I feel so weak. I do not test you. But I am begging for Your sovereign intervention. Please protect me...
Father, I acknowledge my failure and shortcomings for the choices I make each day. I am struggling with sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil. I want to be closer to you and have complete assurance of my salvation. I do not want to be lost and believe I am saved by the grace and mercy of our...
Father God in Jesus name I ask for a heart and life that is pure and pleasing You. I ask to be obedient in ALL things. I pray Your will be done in these circumstances. I am trying so hard but I feel so weak. I do not test you. But I am begging for Your sovereign intervention. Please protect me...
Holy Trinity You are perfect You are the most blessed You are the most strongest You have the most bravery You are the King no one compares to You. My heart is sick with sin. I am a coward. Forgive me for the evil my heart thinks. PL give me grace and mercy. Please be kind and protect me. Please...
Please pray for me. My life is a mess. I keep falling into sin. I want to be free from sin. Please pray that the holy Spirit would touch me and strengthen me. I am also frustrated with my marriage, as if doesn't seem to be working out. Please pray for me