Heavenly father please Jesus please you must be able to help somehow in this situation. I don't know if I'm able to die. This makes no sense. Who wrote the note? Please help.. I think I lost sight of a good God. Really all of your goodness except people but people are only so good and I'm...
Prayer for my aunt Maria who has memory loss and she is losing her sight .Prayer that her daughters will not give up on their mother but hold on supporting her in everyday they can and thay I will be able to find the pill I bought for my husband who has memory problems and they worked.Need to be...
I was diagnosed with glaucoma and has undergone surgery on my left eye. The right eye will be done tomorrow. I am praying to EL ROI to reverse all the irreversible damages the glaucoma has done to my eyes and my sight and for it to disappear in JESUS NAME AMEN
Prayer for my eyes Having intermittent flashes in my eyes Preying for it to stop. Need the Lord to help me Recover from this. I live alone and sometimes have a hard time sleeping at night. I can hear the neighbors next door so that is comforting at least there are people around. I still feel...
Dear Father, I come before you today leaving my concerns of my downstairs neighbor named Nancy who enjoys irritating me to no end in sight by slamming her entry door so hard that it feels like an earthquake under my feet. I cannot bare how she can be so inconsiderate and selfish because I have...
1. Please sir pray for my mother to regain her sight, She has been blind for 7 years now . let her be happy again, her condition is making so unhappy and her health is deteriorating. 2. Please pray for my marital settlement. 3. Global open doors for business 4. pray miraculous reroofing of our...
3 global open doors
4 miraculous reroofing
academic success
brother fancies
country: nigeria
international open door
marital settlement
Almighty God,
Three years ago, at this time, I was lost in despair.
In the darkness, with no end in sight, I felt powerless to change anything on my own.
The quest for work, my wife's digestive health,
and the severed contact with my son had plunged me into the depths of discouragement and...
Please be in prayer for my husband, David. He lost his sight to diabetes 10 years ago and was also diagnosed with Gastroparesis. He has also been diagnosed with congestive health failure and kidney disease. I am asking for prayer for him, complete healing in his body. I know our father is the...
complete healing
congestive health failure
continuous strength
country: united states
health issues
husband david
kidney disease
proper stomach
right kidney
Lord have mercy, my father is going to do the thing that will destroy his sight totaly. He will get operated from surgeons that have dammaged his eyes. Lord have mercy and let this surgery be done from the surgeon that has repaired my mother's vision (the group of incapable surgeons in another...
Dear God, please hear all these prayers and send help, grace, mercy and healing. Just as Jesus healed lepers, gave sight to the blind, the lame walked the dead were raised and possesed people by satan were delivered. O Lord, have mercy on us all and send help to all of us, blessings upon...
Please pray really really hard and please have all of your church to pray hard for me too, pray that god will bless me with financial money miracle really quickly, me and my family are struggling really bad financially and no hope nor help in sight without a quick miracle from god himself. Thank...
Please prayer fro Hilda's restoration of sight if God can be so inclined to perform this miracle along with patience and peace until her miracle comes.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Jesus Desperate financial situation We are leaving this in your hands as we trust you with everything and love you so much but please help us. This is extremely urgent and desperate. Thank you for your mercy dear Jesus and for prayers. Deadline is looming with no end in...
Pray to God that I will not go blind. Spider webs are increasing in my eyes and I may have some eye desease or something that I do not know. I use glasses to read, contact lenses looking out which one is good. I do not need eye surgery. I do not want to loose my sight completely.
Lord jesus Please have Mercy on me and grant me Success in My Ielts Exam, Amen.
Thank you Jesus For it's Done Amen.
Yahweh Jehovah Please Give Me Every Cause to Smile and Be Thankful On The Sight of My Ielts Result,Amen.
Dear God of this universe ( Jesus Christ ) I called for your help!! Protect my job, let your favor be with me . I don’t know what this meeting is going to be about but find favor in the sight of your eyes on me. Remember my first fruit offering . Forgive me and help me to find job security along...
Pray that my surviving spouse support benefits comes in today. I am walking by faith and not by sight. I am moving to my new place on December 28-2023 and I will need more funds, to move in.I pray that the Lord will open doors for me I n the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.