Heavenly father Thank u for all the blessings please 🙏 pray for.my husband good health and i pray for his job not to be stressful. please i also praying for his boss to stop being dominant to their subordinate. Thank u My Angels who are always by my side🙏💕
My Lord please don't leave me at the mercy of my enemies. Please protect me and my wife, kids from evil eye, envious people, people who desire are hurt. People I don't know or think about. My Lord I suffered enough of all this since elementary all the way to now . I've paid my dues. I need peace...
God, be your will…! Bless me, you know desire of my heart, hear God and look on my desire, be on my side , come and see what my enemys are doing to me…
My Lord please don't leave me at the mercy of my enemies. Please protect me from evil eye, envious people, people who desire my hurt. People I don't know or think about. My Lord I suffered enough of all this since elementary all the way to college. I've paid my dues. I need peace from my enemies...
Knowing God saves us from all of the ups and downs of our circumstances. We are not composed of our circumstances. We don't look to the side or look down at our circumstances. We keep our eyes on the Lord above us. He keeps us safe!!! As long as we have have the Lord, we are okay and He...
My 21 year old son struggles with relationships, he has recently again lost a friend group, he has admitted to thinking about killing himself, he is so sad and lonely and confused. please pray for peace for him, to be led to people that will be by his side and offer true friendship, for him to...
Heal and help cool my body lord it’s not even that warm out and root cause and bring protection and bless appointments soon and bring Your Godly by my side
Dear Lord why is this happening to me. Has my sin done so much that for the rest of my life I will have this thorn in my side. I am lonely, heartbroken, stressed, distracted, and angry. Please Lord give me your peace. Thank you for your love. Please watch over my children, keep them healthy and...
Good night’s rest soon and these clothes dry well and no wrinkles and bring your Godly by our side Lord and open mighty miracle doors soon and heal me completely breathing lungs hoarseness thyroid nodule growth diminish it all rash by Your mighty Protecting Blood bring us Justice Amen
Dear Jesus, I pray again for the safety and health of my children as the travel far from me. Because I cannot be with them, please Lord, be with them, never leave their side and let no harm come to them. Help them know I love them and care for them very much and let truth be known Lord. Help me...
Dear Jesus, I pray again for the safety and health of my children as the travel far from me. Because I cannot be with them, please Lord, be with them, never leave their side and let no harm come to them. Help them know I love them and care for them very much and let truth be known Lord. Help me...
Please pray for God to heal me of the severe pain I am experiencing in my side. It is preventing me from doing most activity and stopping me from being able to sleep. Thank you
I feel like my prayers are not being herd
My daughter is still going and is keen on this decision she is making no matter what I try to explain to her I just don't know what else to do I'm worried still and scared , I can't sleep at night nor focus at work ..what ever decision she make I pray...