
  1. Rythrit

    Good evening man of god I have ...

    Good evening man of god I have be look up to come to ur service but god know the best am so down since I came to Lagos over ten year a go with difference can of sicke I have visit many hospital am still down pls man of god I need ur prayer thanks
  2. Moshlyo

    Dear God, please heal the broken people, ...

    Dear God, please heal the broken people, make well the sick, restore happiness to these in despair,bring love to the lonely,food to the hungry and Peace to the world, thank you Lord.
  3. Eknephaea

    Healing of the sick, I will like ...

    Healing of the sick, I will like it to be online prayers for my both parents who have been sick for almost 10 years now
  4. @lawrencek

    Pray for me i need God to show me the way

    God of mercy,love and hope we have come before you God open the way to my life and others who are in this same problems and healed the sick who are in hospital and home in Jesus name Amen Mercy to the Holly one of all thing.
  5. Heralleu

    O lord hear my prayer request and give me break through in life

    My name is uche comfort I leave in south africa o lord deliver me from spirit of net male, because when ever I goto bed I must eat in my dream, sometimes I will be given baby breast ln my dream, when I sick I went to hospital and doctor told me that my BP is very high that I will drink...
  6. Blessings1964


    GOD i'm praying for: The homeless give them shelter. The hungry feed them. The lost let them be found. The sinners forgive them. The sick heal them. The world bring peace and unity. GOD i'm praying for them and me. I Jesus Christ Almighty Name. AMEN
  7. liliancheruto

    My name is Lilian Koech from Kenya. ...

    My name is Lilian Koech from Kenya. I request for prayers. I have been watching your programms on Emmanuel TV and impressed how people are healed. I have sick for the last four years severe headache, suffer from bronchspams, eye pains, stomach pains and was also diagnosed with Rheumatic Heart...
  8. ellie12

    Thank You God for so many things!!!Please ...

    Thank You God for so many things!!!Please Father,continue to protect us,heal the sick,provide for us every day,save the unsaved ones.Please also answer graciously the prayer requests from the brothers and sisters from this site,today,according to Your Will,IJNA!!
  9. Barazzebil

    I am Gloria. I am married woman. ...

    I am Gloria. I am married woman. I have a daughter(3 year) . She always fall and hrut from herself. I am quite surprised about that. I am worried about her. Maybe Satan trying to harm us. Cause we didnt pray at home. I always told my husband but he didnt care. I am worried about them. Please...
  10. Broglaryk

    God should not let me feel sick

    I want God should bless me and my household, and nor of us should get sick Amen
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