Bless me please please lord with the very totally very best ever compliments all things rigjt now always bless yoir beauty your glory your radiance your shigina glory lord to please please be apon every single part of me in every way please lord right now always lord compliments are so very...
Lord uour words say ask and I will recieve please please restore renew my whole hair in every way beauty in every way skin teeth whole youth apperance in every way now please I ask you please please bless me every part of me lord to please please please look 25 years younger than what I really...
Lord I ask you please please streanthen every part of me I'm power now in every way please please build boast please my whole self esteem self worth self confidence in every way please lord tihjt now more more every day bless me please wuty the most amazing incredibly awsome compliments I desire...
Please please all.pray my lord my god photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time videos lord are so so so very important to me lord they create memories your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please bless...
Lord please please please renew restore please my whole youth in every way owrt of me my whole beauty in every way hauf in every way etes un every way teeth stomach figure faith confidence please in every way right now please lord in jesus christ namess please please lord bless me pleasd every...
I ask you please please please lord bless and please make Me please every single part of me please the total total total very very best ever model model in every way part of me please lord rigjt now always please in jesus christ namess bless your beauty your glory your shigina glory to please...
Lord I ask you please please renew renew please my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way haur skin teeth figure confidence in every way incredibly right now please mote more every day bless your beauty your glory your shigina glory to please please be apon every part of me...
Please please all.pray my lird my god photographes videis are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve nothing is impossible for you I ask you please please please lird bless make me please please lord every part of me please please lord...
country: united kingdom
incredibly beauty radiance confidence
incredibly compliments
self esteem self worth
single part
single way
snap chat videos
time videos photographs
video call
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please renew renew my whole beauty youth in every way I'm every part of me incredibly rigjt now please lord in jesus christ namess I ask you please please bless me to please please look 25 years younger than what I really...
Lord I ask you please lord with all that I am nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on youf words lord I ask you please please renew renew please my whole youth in every way whole beauty in every way whole health in every way whole hair in every way...
I ask you please please lord bless and please please make me please every part of me please lord the total total very very best ever please lord model in every single way part of me right now always please lord in jesus christ name bless your beauty your glory your radiance your shigina glory to...
Lord compliments are so so very important to me they also build you up and your confidence lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless me please please with the most amazing incredibly awsome amazing compliments I desire and so much more everywhere I go please...
Lord compliments ate so so important to me lord they build you up your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless me please lord to please please recieve the most amazing incredibly aesome compliments that I desire and so so much more in every way in every part of me...
I ask you please please lord renew renew restore please my whole youth I'm every way hair in every way whole skin in every way eyes in every way teeth smile gums in every way stomach figure faith confidence in every way please please lied right now please incredibly I ask you please please lord...
Lord I ask you please nothing is impossible for you please please lord renew renew restore please please lord my whole beauty whole youth hair skin teeth smile eyes stomach figure faith confidence please please lord in evrfydingke way right now please in jesus christ namess I ask you please...
Lord I ask you please please bless your beauty your glory your shigina glory to please please be apon every single part of me in every way rugjt now always please please lord renew renew restore please my whole youth in every way whole beauty in eferh way hair in every way skin in every way etes...
Lord compliments ate so very important to me I ask you please please bless me please lord with the total total total very very best ever most amazing awsome amazing compliments in every way everywhere I go rigjt now always please abundantly in jesus christ namess bless your beauty your radiance...
Lord compliments are so very important to me lord they build you up lord I pray lord no no more critasism towards me about me about my hair apperance life please ij jesus christ name I ask you please please lord renew ny whole health hate beauty skin apperance teeth figure confidence faith...
clothes barons beauty appearance
country: united kingdom
faith clothss
fuller alot
hair appearance life
health hate beauty skin appearance teeth
radiant young youthful
self esteem
white hair
Lord please please transform please my whoke beauty skin hair teeth apperance figure confidence please in every way now please renew restore my whole beauty youth please lord in every way now please pied bless me please to please pokk 25 years younger what I really am.please in every way now...
beauty appearance
beauty skin hair teeth appearance
country: united kingdom
ij names
million dollars
single part
verh radysht
Plesse plesse all pray every all critasism I've ever had I delete I completely destroy and return back to senders right now in jesus name no more no more critasism towards me about me about my hair skin apperance in any way ever again in jesus christ namess lord raise me up up yo highter highter...
beauty apperance eyes radiance
country: united kingdom
fuller ally
hair skin appearance
jesus name
single part
single way
total total million dollars
youth hair skin teeth fogue