
  1. Aulcilok

    Demonic attacks

    My wearings/clothes physically get missing from my house, sometimes dreams interacting with my dead mother, have sex in my dreams sometimes, worked for the past 10 year plus with nothing to show, I dreamed when someone in my dream told me I will remain useless, careless and fullish. I womanises...
  2. Neera Neelima Tirkey

    pls pray for me i will never ...

    pls pray for me i will never talk to rehan and i will never give msg to him he is cheating with me i wants to miss use with me pls help me today he has done sex with me by force pls pray for me. punish him god he has done wrong with me and he will always feel about me he has done wrong with me...
  3. Neera Neelima Tirkey

    pls pray for me i will never ...

    pls pray for me i will never talk to rehan and i will never give msg to him he is cheating with me i wants to miss use with me pls help me today he has done sex with me by force pls pray for me. punish him god he has done wrong with me and he will always feel about me he has done wrong with me...
  4. Neera Neelima Tirkey

    pls pray for me i will never ...

    pls pray for me i will never talk to rehan and i will never give msg to him he is cheating with me i wants to miss use with me pls help me today he has done sex with me by force pls pray for me
  5. Heralleu

    O lord hear my prayer request deliver me from spirit of net male and spiritual husband

    My name is uche comfort I leave in south africa every night I eat in my dream, having sex in my dream, I whent to hospital doctor say that my BP is very high that I will drink medicine for life, every day spiritual attack in my dream please woman of God deliver me
  6. Evoradar

    Prayer for deliverance against eating in dreams ...

    Prayer for deliverance against eating in dreams and having sex in dreams
  7. Cimpal

    Pray for me to stop dreaming having ...

    Pray for me to stop dreaming having sex
  8. Heralleu

    O lord hear my prayer request and deliver me from the hands of enemy

    My name is uche comfort have been married for five years now but no child, every night when I sleep l will be eating ln my dream, having sex in my dream, given baby breast ln my dream, when l wake up my stomach will be painful, that is why I never have child man of God please deliver me
  9. Sulemuin

    Greetings to you man of God my ...

    Greetings to you man of God my name is Mary I'm 39 years old it seams everything in my life is upside down i suffer from high blood pressure i have piles and I'm having some pain for some time now in my left side breast i haven't told anybody im scared it might be cancer and everytime i sleep...
  10. Chemsha

    I have been experiencing badnightmare especially eating ...

    I have been experiencing badnightmare especially eating and having sex in the dreams,I have also limitations in progress disappointment in relationship.
  11. Steven Bobb

    Don't let sin become "acceptable"

    There are different sins that we notice the unsaved{or even backslidden Christians} do, and we speak on them. But here's one I see becoming more common, in fact quite common,and it is, yes, a sin!These unmarried "couples", maybe "going steady " even engaged,who "get a jump on things" and have a...
  12. Love lead.

    Eating in my dreams.

    Love lead, Charles kangungu.15min ago I have just been eating in my dreams, I was eating fresh fish ,a couple brought home which was already prepared and we ate as a family.. This is happening almost every day. My prayer request for our Lord Jesus to deliver me from this and having sex in my...
  13. Tovulli

    I need deliverence from spiritual marriage, I ...

    I need deliverence from spiritual marriage, I occasionally have sex in my dreams. I need a job and I want to be married.
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