Shalom, I have 2 prayer requests, pray for the future, I am beautiful, happy, full of hope, I am very afraid of being in prison and judged because of the mistakes and sins I have committed on social media, for several months this fear continues to haunt me, many sins I have committed On twitter...
Lord my husband will be losing his job in several months. Please Lord direct his path and help him get a new good job like he has. Please Lord help him to stop drinking. He is drinking more instead of less. Please Lord I went through this and still my new business is not making money. Please...
Dear Lord, where are you.i need you help dear I come to you to pray for that person that I love so dearly.Dear Lord, I miss my love Gautam so much. He has been behaving strangely towards me because he does not call to check up on me anymore. I have done all I could to contact him so...
3rd person
change of attitude
change of heart
country: india
dear miss
love gautam
Brother plz pray for my business actually you know that because of knockdown for several months I am not having income and I have to repay my loans etc i am struggling like anything but in this situation also i believe only in our mighty Lord Jesus and i hope deffenitly God will bless me to over...
This phobia of coronavirus has really gone over the top.You would think after several months of it, people would calm down. But I've had where I was in the car with the windows down,and a pedestrian saw me turn towards her, and immediately adjusted the mask and turned away.I was walking on the...
I want to ask for intercession prayer for several months now for a request for my workplace where I am being harassed in every way, trying in every way to get things out of my car and accuse me. And I just want to get an answer from God whether I should stay here or leave.