
  1. Axdarari

    God, Please help me sign up for ...

    God, Please help me sign up for the classes I need for next semester. There are two classes that have limited spots. I need to take these classes to graduate. Amen
  2. Corneton

    Praying my daughter passes her pharmacology test ...

    Praying my daughter passes her pharmacology test on Friday. She studies really hard up all night . Just praying she passed this test and passes all her nursing classes this semester and doesn’t have to drop out
  3. Des Denisse

    My Lord, thank you, for waking me ...

    My Lord, thank you, for waking me up this day. My family, and pets as well. My Lord, please bless me this day to complete my studies, and catch up on my school work. My Lord, I also pray, I will be able to successfully register for Spring 2021 semester at Utrgv. My Lord, I also pray, you will...
  4. Dorliond

    As I submitted my first assignment in ...

    As I submitted my first assignment in the last semester,I pray that may God favour me in Jesus name,and that my lecturer will mark me fairly.
  5. Anonymous

    [B]prayers that my daughter passes all ...

    prayers that my daughter passes all her nursing classes this semester and her nursing test on Friday. She studies so hard all night long and she is so stressed out. I’m worried for her. Praying for peace and calmness over her. Praying just praying.
  6. Corneton

    Prayers for my daughter that she passes ...

    Prayers for my daughter that she passes her nursing classes this semester and does not have a breakdown. It’s so stressful for her and I’m worried
  7. Star lover🙆🙆

    Lord please give me strength to live ...

    Lord please give me strength to live according to your will. Give me strength to get on my feet and struggle with difficulties instead of running from them and replacing the pain with something negative and worthless. Give me strength and faith to get closer to you and have the same motivation I...
  8. Francis Kusi

    In college now not sure what major ...

    In college now not sure what major I should major in. Need the HOLY SPIRITs leading to lead me. Need the LORD to help me to stay on top of my college that I will complete before the end of this semester in December.
  9. shyshy1900

    Please pray i buckle down and start ...

    Please pray i buckle down and start understanding my courses material. I’m teaching myself this semester and virtual is hard . I’m already failing and will keep praying
  10. silver1103

    I am very worried about the timing ...

    I am very worried about the timing of the exams this semester. Please pray that everything works out. I am relying on someone else but I’m not sure if it will work out. Please pray that everyone will cooperate and that I will pass both classes this semester. I’m very anxious and worried. Please...
  11. Devashrin

    Wisdom and knowledge

    Praise the Lord Pls.pray for my son Omkar to get wisdom and knowledge in his study,he studying in 9th std.he not concentrate in his study and not take seriously he is interested in Mobile games and other, so pls pray for Omkar to get high marks in his 1st semester and in this year.his exam will...
  12. Devashrin

    Pls.pray for my beloved son for wisdom ...

    Pls.pray for my beloved son for wisdom and knowledge ,he have 9th std.but no concentrate in his study,he failed in last exam,and I am so worried about him so pls.pray for him he will get wisdoms and knowledge in his study and to paas in this year and coming 1st semester in high mark s.and he...
  13. Juralasul

    I was excluded from college I pray ...

    I was excluded from college I pray God fights this battle for I really pray I begiven a second chance to repeat the whole semester in January at the same school
  14. Jaerdae

    Good night evangelist Gabriel. My daughter ...

    Good night evangelist Gabriel. My daughter will be starting College and I have paid some of her fees. But I need a financial break through to clear all her fees for the first semester
  15. Needabreakthru

    Please pray for physical healing and for ...

    Please pray for physical healing and for me to complete school this semester. Thank you
  16. Neomophe

    Pray for my Exams and Failure subjects

    My name is Joyal Shaji, I would like to make a prayer request. In previous years I failed exam papers. So, My course will end this year so I will complete the course in the eighth semester. Now i am currently studying in 7th semester. I request you to pray for the miraculous success of all...
  17. Merioth

    Praise the Lord. Please sir pray for ...

    Praise the Lord. Please sir pray for me.. Pass me all the papers of 1st and 2nd semester. And solve my registration certificate issues. Please Sir pray for me. I want to pass all papers of 1st and 2nd semester. Please pray for me.. Another request is god help me in my dissertation work. Mainly...
  18. Apolytramai


    Just wanted to tell everyone i got accepted for medicine at Mona Jamaica. I know i asked you guys to pray with me to get through for med I applied at my home country as welll but due to covid they haven’t accept as yet. i pray that god bless each one of you who prayed for me . I pray that i do...
  19. Gorofurieth

    Papa good morning. My brother is starting ...

    Papa good morning. My brother is starting exams on 13/9/2020 he studies first semmester at university. He does not have interest. Of studinv at all. My mother is really suffering. Please may God here your prayers. His name is hamdi
  20. Kewethlock

    Please help me in prayer. I will ...

    Please help me in prayer. I will be going back to school to take my semester 4 exams. I need your prayers so that I pass the exams. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
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