Lord we look to you to bring peace at this time. May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil and the power of love to overcome hatred. We pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe in a world emancipated from violence, a new world where fear shall no longer lead men to...
I notice from my own dealings with such types, that it seems to be a trait of the fallen nature, that once they get a little friendly with you, they see it as an opportunity to "use you" for their own selfish reasons,not caring if they inconvenience you, as long as it benefits THEM.I've had this...
My Lord, I thank you for keeping me humble. Please protect me from a spirit of arrogance, and selfishness and pride. May I be kind to all you have made, help me to stop looking back. Help me to keep pressing forward. Please may the gift of the Holy Spirit rest upon me always, and lead me on...
My Lord, please remove from me a spirit of unhealthy pride. I may have. Please help me be humble. You have been kind to me. My Lord, I humbly pray for those that are bankrupt, and have no credit and are struggling in their finances. That you bless them with a second chance of opportunity to be...
Father thank You for this day Please grant open doors to encourage, build up, edify someone who is in need. Thank You that if we will only humble ourselves "Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will lift you. "(James 4:10) Enable to put others first~"Do nothing from selfishness...
Please pray for the owner of our company that his heart would be open and that selfishness would be driven out by love and God's word. Praying that God would speak to him in is dreams and he would hear the truth and he would be set free.