Thank you all for praying for me and Scott. Hearing the same request over and over. I rally don't talk to anyone about things except for on here. It's really y appreciated. I haven't talked to Scott in two days now. I'm very sad but I'm giving him space. He hasn't called and I haven't called...
Thank you all again for patiently pray me through my regular prayer requests. I appreciate you all and your prayers so much. I prayer for all of you, too. Please pray for Scott and I. I'm so confused anymore.
Prayers to reunite Jen and Scott back together. These are best friends/boyfriend and girlfriend. Out of nowhere Scott stopped talking to Jen. She knows he loves her so much. Both of their marriages they both fought all the time. The hey never fought at all.
Please pray for Scott and Anita . I spent time with him yesterday and it was good. Please pray our hearts bind together and we spend the rest of our lives together.
My vicious cycle keeps going round and round.... hope, despair, giving up, letting go, and then the cycle begins again. The Lord knows how much I love Scott and what to live the rest of my life with him but this cycle hurts so much. Sometimes, it hurts to hope.
Please pray Scott and Anita's hearts bind together and we spend ourlives together. It is such a challenging journey and hope is painful at times. I'm holding on to Jesus and hope.
Scott is dating others. He feels he needs to do this because of reasons of his own. I'm trying so hard to give him space to do what he needs to do and trust in the Lord but I'm struggling so much. I continue to ask the Lord to help me, guide me , and show me the way. I'm desperately waiting upon...
Please pray for Scott and Anita. That our hearts bind together and we spend the rest of our lives together. I am always lost in what I should hope for. I'm feeling distraught and desperate.
Please pray for Scott and Anita. I'm pushing to hard and I don't want to do that. I need patience in our situation. I love this man. I'm so down on myself and insecure. I still trying to hand it over to the Lord but I keep holding on. I want to fix it and hold on. But it's not for me to fix...
Thank you all for your continued prayers about Scott and I. My life has had so many big things happen in the last few months that I can't keep seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. My heart hurts tremendously, partly because of hoping Scott and my heart bind together and we spend our lives...
I feel like I'm fighting a lost cause. Are these the signs I'm supposed to see? Why don't I know? Why can't I see them. Lord, help me please. I'm begging you! Do I hope for Scott and I or let go? Please Lord
Please pray for Scott and Anita's hearts to bind and be together forever. I've backed off from contacting him and desperately miss him. I'm afraid he'll forget me during our time for space. Please pray we come together
Scott isn't answering his phone. I am distraught. One moment I let go and the next, I hold on. I'm tired and drained beyond words. I hoped and prayed for so long. I just can't do this anymore. I hurt so bad. Scott should have said I'm done forever. I don't want or care about you. Why does God...
I finally realized Scott doesn't want me around. I'm so stupid. My hope is gone. I give up and am defeated. It took me long enough. My heart hurts but this is the Lord's plan
Just not doing to good. I'm losing hope with the outcome I would to see between Scott and me. I hurt and it just seems to not go away. Why am I hoping so much when it seems all is lost. I'm defeated at this point.
Please pray for Scott and Anita. I finally gave it over to the Lord but I still hurt a great deal. God can do anything. I still pray for Scott's and my heart to bind together and we spend the rest of our lives together. It truly us in His hands. Thank you!