
  1. Des Denisse

    My Lord, please bless me to win ...

    My Lord, please bless me to win all three scholarships from scholarship points. My Lord, you know all things. I need money to purchase my college textbooks. I will be needing money for every semester I enroll. My Lord, please have mercy of me and help me. I forgive everyone who has done me wrong...
  2. Des Denisse

    My Lord, thank you, for waking me ...

    My Lord, thank you, for waking me up this day, my family, and pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray and ask that you bless me to win as many scholarships, and grants as possible for school. Please bless me with wisdom, and knowledge, to write excellent scholarship essays. Essays that will cause...
  3. Des Denisse

    My Lord, I humbly pray and ask ...

    My Lord, I humbly pray and ask in your name. Please bless me to write excellent essays for scholarships, and grants. Please especially bless me to win as much scholarships and grants, as I will be needing. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. P.S. Help me to be humble. In Your name, I humbly pray, and ask...
  4. Vurilor

    Miss Rebecca Seide from delta state warri ...

    Miss Rebecca Seide from delta state warri EMMANUEL GOOD MORNING AND WIN TODAY I want God to give me scholarships through my uncle the deputy governor of delta state to see me through my secondary education to my masters.Amen Thank you prophet T.B Joshua 08154531759
  5. Francis Kusi

    I have three high college bills of ...

    I have three high college bills of $7,267.00 and $4,642.00, and $5,550.00. I have been applying for loans and scholarships but still i havent gotten nothing. Many Many Many Prayers please that GOD will open doors for me and make a way out of no way for me that I will be able to get money pay all...
  6. Hope4joy

    My Lord, I thank you, for clearing ...

    My Lord, I thank you, for clearing my mind. Please help me, by blessing me with the great news of knowing that the health information technology program at Lamar institute of technology is completely online. Please bless me to succeed at this career and program. I have decided and realized that...
  7. Hope4joy

    My Lord, please forgive me for grumbling. ...

    My Lord, please forgive me for grumbling. Please do not permit my family to take away the money, I receive from scholarships. Please do not let them take this money from me. Please cause the Holy Spirit to fall on them, and to walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit so that you can bless them. In...
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