Heavenly Father, I pray that you will comfort her in her suffering, lend skill to the hands of her doctors and find the right ones, and bless the means used for her cure. Give her such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when she is afraid, she may put her whole trust in you through...
Some Christians measure their faith by how little sin they have, but I measure Christianity by how much pure love we share.
Spread His Love, in the mighty name of our risen Saviour Jesus I pray, amen.
Thank you God for helping me so much with the attacks. I pray for your continued guidance and protection. I pray also today for people who have unbelief and have no hope and are lost. I pray that they will accept our Lord as there Savior and believe in their hearts that Christ died to save them...
Please lord , im getting scared as my exams are coming next week . Please lord help me prepare for exam . Please help me concentrate and work hard .. help me get good memory power .. please lord heal my right arm , im having pain in my hand which is preventing me from writing properly . Please...
Farther Almighty I am desperate I need to pay my kids school fees as the school has kicked them out. I feel like a failure as a parent. I pray for this in the name of Jesus Christ our savior. Amen.
Praying for your guidance and protection Heavenly Father. Please Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ please deliver me from these spiritual attacks. Please Father take control of my mind. I love you, honor you and praise you Father. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen
My passport and residency this very month
My Relationship
My marriage
My life
My family
I will be congratulated this week
Jay Olajide will say yes and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his Personal Lord and Savior. Amen
I have the keys I unlocked my new season by fire
Abimbola Fadare...
Isaiah 8:11-13
11. This is what the Lord says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people:
12. “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.
13. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to...
dear pastor Jerry, pastor eno and pastor uguru, pls continue to join me in prayers as I'm believing God for immediate financial breakthrough, to concieve twins, and to finish all my unfish projects. All this i ask through jesus christ our saviour. Amen.
My mother and brother are covid positive. Both are hospitalized. Brother is doing better but my mom is on oxygen and lungs are infected and he also has her comorbids. I pray to God for her to be out of danger and also for her speedy recovery. She is also immuno-compromised suffering from lichen...
Pray for Peace on earth and pray for our physical wellbeing.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and...
Heavenly Father we thank you for this prayer site and for another day. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with their families and love ones. We pray that You forgive them all and that they forgive one another. We ask that You would guide our brothers and...
We need a healing prayer. I've been getting red scars on my left leg, whereas my sister has got red scars all over her front body. We have seeen several pastors who has confessed that we've been victims of witchcraft. Please pray for us. These are painful and unbearable. If it is witchcraft we...
Pray for Heavenly Peace and pray for our physical wellbeing.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and...
Pray for Heavenly Peace and pray for our physical wellbeing.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and...
Pray for Heavenly Peace and pray for our physical wellbeing.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and...
Pray for Heavenly Peace on Earth.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and Your Truth to prevail. Let...
Pray for Heavenly Peace on Earth.
Heavenly Father we pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord we pray for Your Righteousness and Your Truth to prevail. Let...
Pray for Heavenly Peace on Earth
Heavenly Father I pray for Your Peace and Your Love to saturate every nation on earth.
May the Holy Spirit move upon our countries, our territories, our leaders, and our people in a mighty way. Lord I pray for Your Righteousness and Your Truth to prevail. Let...