Deliverance from all demons from all witches from all witchcraft from all witchcraft spells from all demon possession from all evil spirits from all mental illnesses from all satanic spirits from all demonic spirits from all powers of darkness from rulers of darkness from all evil forces in...
Deliverance from temptation pornography lust & fornication. Deliverance from all demonic attacks all satanic attacks and all evil spirits all demonic spirits & all satanic spirits. Need the HOLY GHOST FIRE to come rain down upon me & my life.
Deliverance from witchcraft from mind control. Deliverance from witchcraft in the workplace. Deliverance from wrong thinking patterns and wrong thinking mindsets. Deliverance from abnormalities and insanity. I used to always talk to myself & do crazy things & always whisper to myself after i...
I'm always being attacked by the enemy while i sleep during the day & night. Need JESUS to always equip me with spiritual muscles & spiritual fighting tools so i can fight against the enemy all evil , demonic , & satanic forces in the high places & heavenly places. & against all witchcraft, all...
country: united states
day night need
demonic spirits
evil spirits
life spiritual life
moral holy godly righteous life
normal holy godly life
normal need
strong need
Christ Jesus Holy Spirit, accept my praises for Saving me & all Your brethren. Lord Jesus God Holy Spirit, You know satan's plot against You through me. I've survived the gang stalking, harassment, & assaults aimed to kill me. Christ Lord Jesus Holy Spirit use me for You to glorify Yourself in...
brethren holy spirit
country: mexico
dark spirits
gang stalkers
institutionalized gang
satan's plot
satanicspiritsspirits holy spirit cause agitation
spiritual world
I am not happy with the way my life is like right now. I have a job that i dont enjoy very much. And i feel as if my life is not getting anywhere. I need GOD the give me the ability and the blessing to always put HIM first and to always seek HIM diligently and everyday and to always read HIS...
I feel I'm continued to be spiritually attacked by the devil and by demonic spirits and satanic spirits and evil spirits and witchcraft. I need immediate help and I need prayers everyday. I need my FATHER IN HEAVEN to help me and fully and spiritually equip me so I can be able to fight against...
I need GOD to break all curses of singleness and witchcraft and voodoo and hexes and vexes and word cursing and black magic and evil eye and envy and jealousy and anger and rage and covetousness and idolatry and gluttony and schizophrenia and rejection and insanity and and loneliness and...
I need to be set free and delivered from all evil, all witchcraft, all demonic strongholds and all curses and all generational curses, voodoo, black magic, hexes,vexes, evil eye, word curses and all demonic spirits and all satanic spirits and all mind control and all unclean spirits and all...