Good day. I have a problem with my right ear since Octomber 2016. It is blocked since I woke up one morning till today. Another problem i have is blood sugar since 2017 till to date. Another one I have been working since 2005 but till today I am not promoted and the salary is little. I obtained...
Please pray for me to never lose my job. Please pray for me to be able to get my salary today. Please pray for me to never get any customer complains. Please pray for me to be healthy and to recover from my illness. Please pray for my husband and my children to be healthy and safe. Please pray...
Am madam Stella from Kenya though in Riyadh ,I want my sarary to be increased, pray for my mother she is sick, my son also is sick, my entire family to know God love and also pray for my boss mother is sick diabetes .kindly prophet of God Samuel kakande
I am working as a driver. my salary is less.i have three kids. I have finical problem. please pray for me my salary should be increased and all my financial problems should be cleared.🙏🙏🙏 Thank you shijo joy varghese k.s.a
Please help me pray our salary will be given now as we have no money already to spend for budget. Please pray my boss Zoheb will give us the salary. Thanks. Im karen ibrado
Please help me pray our salary will be given now as we have no money already to spend for budget. Please pray mo boss Zoheb will give us the salary. Thanks. Im karen ibrado
Please help me pray our salary will be given now as we have no money already to spend for budget. Please pray mo boss Zoheb will give us the salary. Thanks. Im karen ibrado
Pls pray for i hav been at work place at 9 year now but they is no change i want God to intervene in this matter my salary is still on the same..God must do something in my life
Father Thank You for the morning please deliver us and hear our prayer. Please remove all delays and roadblocks and allow the accts department to send out Wins salary to his account today and all the other coworkers who have been waiting over a month.In Jesus Name Amen
Please pray for me to never lose my job at starfinder optical. Please pray for me to always give the most accurate refraction. Please pray for me to never get any customer complains. Please pray for me ro be able to receive my salary. Please pray for me to always be a blessing to have a pure and...
praise the lord brother I'm vasanth gopi please pray for me to releases of my salary and pending all expenses to releases and deliverance from all financial problems
thank you brother
vasanth gopi
Pray for me my life partner snehal and our relationship. Tomorrow me and my life partner relationship our parents are talking.pray all blessings and happiness. Pray all problems are going in Jesus name. Pray my job and salary. Pray in Jesus name.
I want to build our house compound. But I dont have money to build the compound. I am am working as a Driver and my salary is less.i have three kids. Please pray for me that I should get to build our house compounds as soon as possible. Thank you. Shijo joy
My name is shijo joy varghese. I am working as a Driver. Please pray for me that my salary should be increased and all my finicial problem should be cleared. Thank you
Thanks God for this new day lord keep me safe and renew my life from today and forever ,forgive me the past help me to become someone in future and choose for me a nice job opportunity with better salary in Jesus name amen