
  1. (Zian)

    Praise the lord thank you God for ...

    Praise the lord thank you God for decreasing rainfall God... Am praying for brother, mother, father keep them safe and protect them God... Am praying for land issue solve the issue in your name and provide them home God... Am praying for office stay with them and provide them salaries God... Am...
  2. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for all whoever believes in you whoever not believe in you give them good health and praying for Rajasekhar give him whatever good for him praying for balamani and mallesh unite them in your name and give for them good health and
  3. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for all protect them from praying for brother what he is doing we don't know but u will look after him praying for mother and father unite them in your name God ...For land issue plz God solve that ...for Keerthi look after her in office and...
  4. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for all protect them from praying for brother what he is doing we don't know but u will look after him praying for mother and father unite them in your name God ...For land issue plz God solve that ...for Keerthi look after her in office and...
  5. Brother Wilson Lule

    Lord help me and prosper my businesses, ...

    Lord help me and prosper my businesses, for they have been working with less amount which can't even pay salaries and rent, even help me in this period of contracting my house, I promise to pay the tithe Lord as you render to me.
  6. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God on Monday we ...

    Praise the lord God on Monday we got salaries and on that day someday stolen our phones in midnight while we sleeping our phones besides us only but we didn't known ...God show them what they did is wrong God ...God look after our home in your name God ...My father,mother, brother plz reunite...
  7. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God thank you very ...

    Praise the lord God thank you very much for update about our salaries in our office said within two they will give us salaries... Thank you for removing hurdles and providing our salaries soon God... Amen
  8. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for salaries come soon whatever hurdles is there remove God in your name... Am praying for family reunite them in your name am praying for brother bless him wealth and happiness... Am praying for land issue from 15 years not solving plz god look into that and give...
  9. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for salaries plz provide salaries soon in your name whatever hurdles is there remove God... Am praying for land issue solve it your name God... Am praying for family reunite them and look after their health and happiness am praying for father-in-law and grandmother...
  10. (Zian)

    Plz God give us salaries this week ...

    Plz God give us salaries this week in your name God remove whatever hurdles their to provide our salaries in your name... Amen
  11. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for salaries plz provide salaries soon... Am praying for brother father and mother look after them and give them good health and happiness and unite them.. Am praying for father-in-law he is diabetic patient provide him good health... Praying for land issue solve...
  12. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for all... Am praying for salaries soon God... Am praying for mother, father and brother look after them in your name God... Am praying land issue from 15 years solve in your name God... Amen
  13. (Zian)

    Plz provide our salaries in yhis week ...

    Plz provide our salaries in yhis week in your name God Amen
  14. Tralarr

    Since 4 years now I haven't received ...

    Since 4 years now I haven't received my salaries. My name was removed from the payroll without any cost why I am still actively working. I want the prophet to please pray for me to get back on the payroll. My name is Amos p s Jasper from Liberia. This is my email. amospsjasper@gmail
  15. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for God for my grand mother plz look after her... And am praying look after my family give them happiness and peaceful in life am praying for my salaries get as soon possible in your name God... Amen
  16. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for land issue solve in your name God and we built a house in that place God... Am praying for family look after family and remove our problems in your name God am praying for myself control my talking habits and remove what evet hurdles am facing in job and...
  17. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying look ...

    Praise the lord God am praying look after my family god am praying for control my talking habits am talking unwanted talk and that irritating others plz God control that in your name am praying for my job whatever hurdles am facing in job plz remove in your name God and provide our salaries soon...
  18. (Zian)

    God ur only our hope in land ...

    God ur only our hope in land issue so many problems going on plz God solve that issues in your name big names are involved we can't stop them to enter in our land but u will fight for us God... Am praying for salaries come as soon possible... Amen
  19. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever job he is doing stay with him... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health... Am praying for myself plz stay in life and am praying for salaries... Amen
  20. (Zian)

    Praise the lord God am praying for ...

    Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever job he is doing stay with him... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health... Am praying for myself plz stay in life and am praying for salaries... Amen
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