
  1. Drefenth

    Am Julie 26 year old I feel ...

    Am Julie 26 year old I feel broken, frastuated and confused. Ever since I was a young lady my dream was to be married by now but I've tried settling down but my relationships have failed to stabilize. Pray for me to find my own and pray for me to stop being desperate I really hate this feeling...
  2. Dawhwil

    I'm about to say my prayers. But ...

    I'm about to say my prayers. But first I had to tell you. Thank you everyone who have prayed for my wife. Dr. Sra signed off on her CT tests so now she can the Exam. Thank you lord and all the Saints for helping us through this rough time. With that passed, i'll now be able to concentrate on...
  3. Tatgwen

    I greet the Saints in the name ...

    I greet the Saints in the name of Jesus Christ. Am a 42 year old police lady asking for the spirit of God to take control of every action and movement in my life so that his existence be proven in the saps through me.
  4. danmoriarty

    Son into C Church, then into Seminary, ...

    Son into C Church, then into Seminary, priesthood, sainthood; wife back to C Church and confession and communion; all of us Saints!
  5. Jurgen

    Who should we followship with?

    The saints of God, those who love Him with all their heart, mind and soul,. those who pray daily before His holy presence and those who praise, honor and glorify the Lord day and night are the ones who we should fellowship with. If 2. or 3 are gathered in My name, there I am in their midst...
  6. Glorlesk

    Saints please agree with me this person ...

    Saints please agree with me this person or persons be exposed and never attack another person of God ever again in Jesus name Their spirit of intimidation and violence be rebuked.
  7. Anonymous

    God bless and help us all His ...

    God bless and help us all His saints Bring energy mighty Favor justice peace and victory now that we get all the help truths and no run a round and my check, break strife with those close and draw them all to Your truths, protect with healing and strength wisdom we pray
  8. Anonymous

    Lord and all the saints pls help ...

    Lord and all the saints pls help With all issues and restore my health & marriage.
  9. Anonymous

    Saints I am praying for this person ...

    Saints I am praying for this person or persons for salvation they are working for the devil. I say devil get your hands off these people the L family , let them turn to God . in Jesus name I pray .
  10. Glorlesk

    Saints I am praying for this person ...

    Saints I am praying for this person or persons for salvation they are working for the devil. I say devil get your hands off these people in Jesus name. They can't force God's hand my buyer will come when HE says.
  11. Glorlesk

    Saints You have to give Elohim nothing ...

    Saints You have to give Elohim nothing to hold back on. In all you do serve Him, honor Him, no anger, Stay focused on Him even if you have to wait, and then watch Him.
  12. Glorlesk

    Saints, My house and phone are being ...

    Saints, My house and phone are being attacked, someone on my block has a device hooked into a wire.that prevents me from calling on cell phone and listening. My x and his family, cohorts,and all involved be rebuked in Jesus name.let us intimidate,and push them out in Jesus name back to where...
  13. Glorlesk

    Saints, my enemies be scattered out of ...

    Saints, my enemies be scattered out of this state and to the new state I am moving to ,SCATTER In Jesus name. For their plans purposes and assignment be returned to them 10 fold AMEN Enough is enough Thank you Elohim
  14. Vrisar

    Feeeling so alone like my prayers haven't ...

    Feeeling so alone like my prayers haven't been answered for a while now and I am getting soo frustrated.... Please Lord come through for me today I am tired of the constant pressurre. Help me pray for abundance, relief, solutions to my problems, no more debts and finishing my school work. All...
  15. Glorlesk

    satan is a liar

    Saints PRAY P-Praise; R-Repent; A-Ask; Y-Yield Praise the Lord Jesus, repent of all sin, ask him, and yield to HIS Will
  16. Glorlesk

    Saints, I need a warrior mate, been ...

    Saints, I need a warrior mate, been single long time. Financial breakthrough, independent to be a blessing. Gods timing is perfect.
  17. Glorlesk

    Praise Report

    Today I would have been injured from an attack by the enemy but God's hand intervened and prevented injury. Isiah 54:17 Thank you Saints they have dug a pit for themselves to fall into praise the Lord Jesus
  18. Oglonian

    Lord I pray for the cab drivers ...

    Lord I pray for the cab drivers who are over charging people on their fare, salvation, soul deliverance. compel the thief to return everything back to the saints our bloodline and extended family bloodline through the power of your intervention, 7 fold financial return Right now I pray blessing...
  19. Roxrush

    I greet you saints in the wonderful ...

    I greet you saints in the wonderful Name of our Jesus Christ. I am n requesting your prayers. My husband applied for a post in one of the best schools in the country. We are patiently waiting for a positive response in the next coming 3 week and for him to start tithing. I also ask for prayer to...
  20. Roxrush

    I greet you saints in the wonderful ...

    I greet you saints in the wonderful Name of our Jesus Christ. I am kindly requesting your prayers. My husband applied for a post in one of the best schools in the country. We are patiently waiting for a positive response in the next coming 3 week and for him to start tithing. I also ask for...
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