No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection at work and that nothing will occur due to the case A has. That I will get a better paying job soon. I will be protected in my current position till that time. 🙏 🙏
No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection at work and that nothing will occur due to the case A has. That I will get a better paying job soon. I will be protected in my current position till that time. 🙏 🙏
Praying for more more blessing to me and to my whole family. Praying for our US Visa to arrive this year and praying that one day I and my family will be at Lakewood Church attending one of the service. I trust God for his promise and I declare Safety,Healing and provisions to all of Us. This I...
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...
break the curse of rejection/abandonment i deserve love and respect and safety i deserve relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships i deserve respect
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...
No weapon formed against me and A shall prosper. Lord’s protection and favor. I decree and declare safety and protection for those in my unit 207. A better higher paying job. A safer and better place to live. A to pass the lvn program and exit exam and state test. I decree and declare No illness...