Please pray that I will receive money that is suppose to come to my bank account will have no delays. Please pray that me and my family will have health and safety protection...
Please pray that my business will grow...Please pray that /me and my family will be able to travel and expand our financial growth,,, Please pray for health and safety protection for me and my family.
Please agree with me in prayer for my grown children’s estrangement; to stop prejudice beliefs/political division; holding grudges; hatred toward their mother (me); healing from mental, physical & spiritual problems; &!for Dr. Tom to take Patrick back as a patient ASAP. We need safety &...
country: unknown
demonic forces
dr tom
grown children s estrangement
mental physical spiritual problems
political division
poor souls
prejudice beliefs
The mother of my 4 year old daughter is planning to leave with my daughter tomorrow to a distant mountainous province for 2 weeks. She is very evil, malicious ,abusive violent neglectful and I can't stop her from taking her there and she is threatening not to return here with her. Please pray...
Please pray for my business to expand and derive many sales from customers... Please pray for health and safety protection and more business opportunities.
Please pray that I can find new products for my business to help with its expansion...Please pray for health and safety protection for me and my family.
Please pray that my business will acquire new product leads and will acquire more customers...Please pray for great health and safety protection for me and my family.
Hi, there’s a child named Christian who suffers from seizures, there likely someone suffering from brain tumour and there are animals who are suffering like dogs in certain places about to be slaughtered unfortunately.
Please pray for the healing for both people above, their salvation of both...
Please pray that my event will be successful on Dec. 13,2020. Pray The Lord will be shining down in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray for me and my family for heath and safety protection.
Good morning bros n sis,Son along with relatives risky parcel reached Safely thank you so much for the prayers n please please do keep praying for his Safety protection as he stays with unknown people specially in 14 days quarantine,tgabk you Lord
14 days quarantine
country: india
days quarantine
good morning bros
good morning bros n sis son
relatives risky parcel
unknown people
Please pray for my husband Steve and a few buddies- Ronnie, Eric, Dale, Jim a few others. They are driving to NC to ride their motorcycles. I'm having final Chemo today and he leaves tomorrow Wednesday October 21st, 2020. I pray he has a good time and enjoys trip safelyPrayers for safety...
buddies ronnie eric dale jim
country: united states
final chemo
good time
hedge of protection
husband steve
quality time
ronnie eric dale jim
safe trip