safe place

  1. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for my family

    Lord I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my niece Katherine and my son's Anthony and Chris. Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard their minds from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to...
  2. Rachlor

    Lord please fill the heart of p ...

    Lord please fill the heart of p with compassion for me n get me f , I don't have a place to stay so you give me a safe place to stay and unite me with a and get me his favor ijmnip amen
  3. Irinpal

    Place to live safe

    I get a safe place to live my stuff back 🔙 with no drama and more new clothes shoes great favor is on my name 📛 life 🧬🧬 DNA based period permanently a room to rent for now or trailer something cheap where I can get a job in Pharmacy or work my way there in the company easily as I restudy my...
  4. Irinpal

    I prophecy decree demand command demand I ...

    I prophecy decree demand command demand I get a safe place to live today easily doors open fast no drama today Kyle Hector Maya all weirdos witches warlocks wizards have absolutely nothing of mine no one does because I'm alone in this world 🌎 with no husband to take care of me return my prayers...
  5. Irinpal

    I prophecy decree demand command demand as ...

    I prophecy decree demand command demand as Prophetess Joanna Leigh Fairres Princess of Idonesia disgrace on my face name ends now. I get the covid 19 shot 💉 from somewhere that pays for it so I can get some money since I don't have it I don't hear about it anymore ever again. I get a safe place...
  6. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Turkey - REfugees

    According to the UN, Turkey currently hosts around 3.6 million refugees from Syria, 142,000 from Iraq and 39,000 from Iran. Among them are many Christians. Please pray for a community centre that opened this year to provide a safe place where Christians refugees can receive practical and...
  7. Clasulli


    I wanted to update everyone here while I have the chance. Thank you all for the prayers, I appreciate every single one <3 We've been moved to a temporary shelter for the time being, out of the elements at least. I'm grateful for that. I don't know how long we'll be here, considering we have...
  8. Quarlil

    Lord please deliver me and unite me ...

    Lord please deliver me and unite me with a , release funds for me and give me a safe place to stay
  9. Quarlil

    Lord please deliver me and unite me ...

    Lord please deliver me and unite me with a , release funds for me and give me a safe place to stay
  10. Quarlil

    Lord please unite me with a and ...

    Lord please unite me with a and give me a safe place to stay.... Fill his heart with compassion for me ijmnip amen
  11. godprincess89

    Dear Heavenly Father, You are a living ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, You are a living Lord. You are my Savior, in whom I trust. Please rescue me from this financial crisis, Come redeem this situation. I ask for your almighty hand to come and cover me. Give me wisdom and strength to stand strong through this storm. I ask for a miracle by your...
  12. Quarlil

    Lord please unite me with a and ...

    Lord please unite me with a and heal me , give me a safe place to stay clear àll the bad word about me , destroy all the evidence s created against me destroy my enemies ijmnip amen
  13. Quarlil

    Lord please unite me with a and ...

    Lord please unite me with a and fill his heart with compassion for me and clear this fear from me take me to d sa and give me a safe place to stay ,bless me lord and Destroy my enemies ijmnip amen
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer For A Housing Miracle & i can never sleep & i have too much on my mind Thank-you to everyone for your kind intercessions In Jesus's Name !

    I am waiting to hear about 2 possible Apt's for rent in the same building The landlord's name is Howard & the superintendent is my friend Pastor Raul I ask for The Lord's Perfect Will to be done with either of these rentals Abba-Father-Daddy-God in Jesus's Name please bless me with A Housing...
  15. Quarlil

    Lord please deliver me and get me ...

    Lord please deliver me and get me a job please and get me a safe place to stay unite me with s and fill his heart with love for me , restore my life , get me a new phone ijmnip amen
  16. Quarlil

    Lord please deliver me and unite me ...

    Lord please deliver me and unite me with a and take me to d safely get me a safe place to stay and get me married , save my life and destroy my enemies and restore my life , my phone doesn't work please get me a new phone ijmnip amen
  17. Quarlil

    Lord please unite me with a and ...

    Lord please unite me with a and take me to d n give me a safe place to stay destroy my enemies take my court case s in your hands , restore my life make people stand in my support get me married give me victory ijmnip amen
  18. Quarlil

    Lord please take me to d n ...

    Lord please take me to d n unite me with a , give me a safe place to stay, get me married protect me from this trafficking mafia, destroy my enemies, deliver me and bless me , release funds for me and get me a new phone and clothes ijmnip amen
  19. Quarlil

    Lord please take me to d n ...

    Lord please take me to d n give me a safe place to stay... Release funds for me , unite me with a and fill his heart with compassion for me , you are a god of provision please provide me.... With things I need lord please get me married and bless me ijmnip amen
  20. Quarlil

    Lord please take me to deli , ...

    Lord please take me to deli , give me a safe place to stay , destroy all the evidence s created against me and destroy all my enemies , deliver me , uplift me and save me from these mafia s ijmnip amen
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