
  1. Phoff

    Please pray my doctor helps me claim ...

    Please pray my doctor helps me claim £3 million compensation from the ivf doctor who lied and deliberately missed 4 appointments in a row at a crucial time. Please pray she gets him struck off and refuses to add lies to my file.
  2. natasha2

    No noise neighbourhood

    Please pray that people in my neighbourhood will shut up and go to sleep. No loud walking, no loud talking, toilette water noise, or any other irritating noise that will prevent me to sleep. Pray for my good sweet sleep tonight. At lease 8 hours in the row. Opened healthy sinuses.
  3. Doghmeth

    Please pray the doctor who lied and ...

    Please pray the doctor who lied and deliberately didn’t give us ivf is struck off and denied a lawyer. He lied about us and missed four appointments in a row. he said he had a personal grudge,but we don’t know him,and have been told he’s hurt children.Please pray he’s dead within months and all...
  4. Doghmeth

    Please pray I get at least £2 ...

    Please pray I get at least £2 million compensation from the doctor who missed four appointments in a row on purpose Please pray he’s jailed,for life.
  5. Fran3c


    Please pray GMC accept I am telling the truth-Dr.H has never met us because he failed to attend four appointments in a row!
  6. Visionary1


    Glorious Sabbath Day people of God! I can't believe I'm still hearing such nonsensical rhetoric; and this, quite often from people of God. Certainly it couldn’t just an excuse not to help someone they don't fancy. I may have to wear the same outfit a couple days in a row, but what would I...
  7. natasha2

    No noise; good sleep

    No noise in my neighbourhood. No construction works or loud talking, loud meetings, loud tv, loud walking. Me catching up a sleep. Good sweet sleep. At least 8 hours in the row. Going to bed around 10 pm.
  8. Gwirfiram

    Please pray I receive £2 million from ...

    Please pray I receive £2 million from WT hospital for medical negligence and slander,gross malfeasance and numerous breaches of GDPR. The doctor failed to attend 4 appointments in a row and discussed me with a series of misfits,perverts and alcoholics in his club. Please pray I receive a...
  9. Nishollyn

    Please pray Cheng helps me prosecute the ...

    Please pray Cheng helps me prosecute the hospital and claim huge damages for slander from a doctor we never met,who missed five appointments in a row.
  10. natasha2

    Catching up a sleep. Good nice sweet sleep tonight(tomorrow morning. At least 8 hours in the row. No iInternal or external distractions. (noise, nervosity, tension, fears, anxiety, ealth issues etc). Health of my whole body.
  11. natasha2


    Catching up a sleep. Good nice sweet sleep tonight. At least 8 hours in the row. Internal or external distractions. (noise, health issues etc).
  12. natasha2

    No bloating, normal breathing

    Relaxed body mind and soul. No fears or anxieties. No bloating in my stomach. NOrmal breathing. Nice good sweet sleep. 8 hours in the row (at least). No pms or menopause symptoms. Regular menstrual cycle.
  13. natasha2

    Good sweet sleep; voluminous strong hair, nails

    Good sweet sleep. 8 hours in the row. No noise from neighbours or outside. Voluminous luxuriant strong health thick hair. No unnecessary falling off of hairs. New hairs growing. Not fragile but strong, not thin but thick hair. All vitamins and substances present in my body. Good...
  14. natasha2

    Good sleep; sleeping habits

    Good sweet sleep wherever i lay down. Enough of sleep always. 8 hours in the row. (at least at night) Catching up a sleep today. Healthy sleeping habits. Self discipline and self control in sleeping.
  15. Witchofay

    Praying for Sales, I need a sale ...

    Praying for Sales, I need a sale today, its the 2nd day in a row, I have not been able to sell Please God help me, I need to get my revenue back up so I can pay my rent and bills, I am paid on commission. I am really frustrated at this point. Thank you god for hearing my prayer.
  16. natasha2

    Good sleep, relaxed body, good biorhytm

    No tenstion but bompletely relaxed body. Good sweet uninterrupted sleep. 8 hours in the row every night. Good sleeping habits. Going to bed in the best time. Waking up at the best time. Healthy biorhytm.
  17. natasha2

    Good sweet sleep

    Good sweet sleep. Enough of sleep. (at least 8 hours in the row)- No waking up becauise of health issues or any other internal or external cause. Waking up healthy, joyful, full of energy and hope. Amen
  18. Teseridan

    Special Intention

    May the Sacred Heart Of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus Pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. i said this prayer nine days in a row nine times a day...
  19. Anonymous

    Special Intention

    May the Sacred Heart Of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus Pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. I said this prayer nine days in a row at least nine times a...
  20. natasha2

    Excellent sleep tonight, 8 hours

    Excellent sleep. Sleeping 8 hours in the row. Catching up a sleep tomorrow if its needed. Nobody(nothing waking me up in the morning.
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