Lord I need Miracle Blessing/ Job. Need to pay All my Medical Bills after Surgery. Radiation Sessions. Pay Oncologist No Insurance, No Savings. Please Lord Rosario
Lord I Pray for a New Job. Pray for Super Natural Finances & Great Insurance. To be able to support myself and pay all my medical bills. Complete Healing of Cancer in Jesus Name. Pray 🙏 Rosario thank you
Lord I Pray for Finances. Divine Favor to be able to Cover all Medical Bills. Complete Healing of Cancer & Herpes. Need Miracle Healing. No Savings, No Insurance. Please Pray Rosario 🙏
Pray need steady job w Good Pay, Benefits. Cancer patient medical bills & procedures piling up. No Savings left, No Insurance. Lord I need you. Please Pray Rosario
Please Pray need Good Job. Finances cover medical bills. Cancer patient, need CT Scan, Colonoscopy, Follow ups visits. Lord please No insurance, No Savings. Please Rosario
Please Pray Miracle Blessing & Healing. Need to pay Medical Bills. Cancer patient need CT Scan, Colonoscopy, Follow ups. No more Savings, No Insurance. Please 🙏 Rosario
Please Pray Financial Blessing. Cancer Patient need to pay medical bills. CT Scans, Colonoscopy, Follow ups. No more savings, No Insurance. 3rd Surgery already. Rosario
Please Pray Financial Blessing. Need to cover All my Medical Bills with Oncologist, Dr's Visits, CT Scans etc. Cancer Patient. Lord please I Don't any money anymore. Need Miracle Finances. Please Pray Rosario
Please Pray Healing of All Cancer Cells. Pray No Pain Radiation Sessions, No Trobing Pain, No Blood. Lord Stop All hair lost. Need Finanancial Miracle. Please Rosario
Please Pray Healing of all Cancer in my body. NO Pain, NO Throbing pain after Radiation Sessions. Lord Stop All hair lost In Jesus Name. Pray please Rosario
Lord Remove All Pain & Blood, Discomfort after 1st HDR - Radiation Session. Remove All Cancer Cells, Complications & Inflammation from my body. Please Pray 🙏 Rosario
Lord Please Provide me a Good Paying Job. Where I am able to function w my limitations after surgery, without pain. Pray for upcoming Radiation Sessions with no Pain. Please Rosario
Please Pray need a Great Job, with Benefits and Good Pay. To cover expenses after Surgery. Lord Open Doors Wide Open. Pray for upcoming Radiation Sessions Please 🙏 Rosario
Lord Please I need a Job. I had to leave a Toxic & Hostile Work Environment. Lord Please Ooen Doors Widely. God Ordained Job Please Lord 🙏 Please Pray Rosario
Lord I left a very Hostile & Toxic work Environment. Lord open Doors to a Great Job with Sufficient Income where I am Respected & Value in Jesus Name! Pray please 🙏 Rosario
Please Pray Severe Abdominal Pain, Bloating after CT scan. Before we start radiation sessions. Pray All Pain, Discomfort, Cramps go away. Please Rosario
Please Pray for a Great Job. Lord where I am NOT Standing All day in Concrete due to my Heel & Ankle Pain. Lord open Doors for me. Super Natural Blessing & Favor. Rosario