Very very urgent please all.pray my lord my god I ask you please please heal me please from asthma every all symptoms of asthma please lord permantly permantly in every way right now from the root please never ever to return ever that I dont need to use my inhaler in jesus christ namess
My Father, give me the grace to walk in Your counsel and not in the counsel of the ungodly, in the name of Jesus. O’ Lord, let my enemies fall by their own counsels, in the name of Jesus. By the finger of God, I destroy the root and power of every problem in my life, in the name of Jesus.
Very urgent lord please please heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma please permantly permantly from the root right now please never to return ever thst I dint need inhaler in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord please please heal my stomach from the root in every way rught now please lord ebd end permantly all every pain discomfort all inflammation acid problems acid reflux all pain in my stomach please lord permantly right now never to return ever in jesus name please please get tge...
Lord I ask you please please touch heal my stomach in every way end all every sickness infirmity pain discomfort inflamation acid reflux all every acid problems fat please in my stomach permantly right now never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ namess please heal my stomach from the root...
Very very urgent please all pray lord please touch heal my stomach in every way ryght now please please lord end permantly all every sickness diesses inflamation pain discomfort acid reflux all every acid problems infirmity in my stomach permantly permantly from the root right now please never...
Very very urgent please all pray lord please touch heal my stomach in every single way please please lord end end permantly all every stomach pain inflamation discomfort sickness inflamation acid reflux all every acid problems all stomach problems sickness infirmity fat please lord in my whoke...
Very very urgent lord please please heal me of every all stomach pain sickness inflamation acid reflux all every acid problems all inflamation every sickness every dieaess any viruses any bad bacteria in my stomach permantly permantly from the root right now please restore my healty streanth...
Very urgent lord please please heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma deon the root please permantly rught now never ever to return ever please ij jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord please please touch geal my stoma h in every wah from the root please in jesus christ name please lord end permantly all every sickness dieases pain discomfort all every acid problems acid reflux every infirmity all inflamation fat in my stomach please permantly permantly...
Lord please please heal my stoma h in every way from all every sickness infirmity all acid problems acid reflux all inflamation fat permantly right now from the root never to return ever please in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please ebd all every sickness dieases pain discomfort all acid problems acid reflux every infirmity infection any bad bacteria in my stomach permantly permantly please from the root right now please never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord I asj you please touch heal my stomach in every way from the root right now in jesus christ name lord please please end end permantly all every pain discomfort inflammation all every acid problems acid reflux all indlamatuik every all stomach sickness dieaess infirmity fat...
Very very urgent lord end end all every stoma h pain sickness inflamation all every acid problems acid reflux in my stomach permantly permantly permantly from the root right now please in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent please all pray my lord my god please please heal my stomach from the root in every way rught now please in jesus christ namess please please plesse lord end end permantly every all pain inflamation tenderness sickness dieaess infirmity fat inflamation all every acid problems...
Very urgent please all.pray my lord my god please end all every stomach pain discomfort inflammation sickness in my stomach permantly permantly please right now please touch heal my whole stomach in every way please rught now permantly from the root please ij jesus christ namess
Very very urgent please all pray lord please please touch heal my stomach permantly permantly in every single way from the root right now please in jesus christ name please lird remove remove my stomach permantly all every pain all every discomfort all inflamation every all stomach problems all...
Very very urgent my lord my god I cant take any more stomach pain please have mercy on me I asj you please please heal my stomach from the root the root in every single way please right now ij jesus christ name please please lord by yoir power mercy ebd end permantly please all every pain all...