MENTALLY UNSTABLE Pray for distant relative won't get a Driver's License, Vehicle, For the SAFETY of others, our distant relative on the roads, Pray for this relative to CHANGE mind about getting a Driver's license, Vehicle. This is very important. Stand in Agreement 🙏
Very very urgent please all pray lord please restore my wife’s health & my health. Please open up roads to different ways of making a income, pls lord let s o help us . May peace in my family happen , May L family change there ways and make peace . God protect us from evil . Thank you .
Please pray for me . I been a Christian for many years and the roads been very rough, on my journey. Pray that I won't give up. My name is CLAUDE. Thank you and GOD bless.
Please pray for my home, we are experiencing severe storms and my home is in a flood area. Please pray my roads will not be blocked and I can get home at 5pm
prayers this snow and cold wont effect safe driving to work for people going to work at 3 in am hours and pray for saftey on road travels that has to be on roads
Please pray for me because i m financially doomed n see no way to pay my loans.we will come to roads.please help me miraculousy so that i can pay my loans n live peacefully.Nobody can help me because the amount is very big.will pastor help me to gain my trust on jesus?
This prayer is to thank The Holy Spirit for answering my prayers for my brother, Marty: PRAYER THROUGH APPLICATION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can obtain my goal. You, who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me...
prayers roads will be safe for people to travel on prayers this family and all family that is not getting along will get along soon for the young ones in particular prayers for miracles to happen soon in Gods timing so sad so see this all go on but God has the control to show people how it is...
prayers for g grandaughter health and praise God for saving my grandson and his family from being in deadly accident with a drunk driver last night going home pray that this person will be off the roads and not kill someone or him self . pray for safty of all on the road . prayers that God will...
I have been tormented through emotional blackmail; may God bring deliverance so that this may cease! Please pray for Fred to be delivered from depression. May the Lord wipe his tears away and heal him emotionally. God knows all the details. May his peace and sleep be restored urgently! May He...
Please pray for him to be delivered from depression. May the Lord wipe tears away and heal FCSP emotionally. God knows all the details. May his peace and sleep be restored fully! May He keep each safe on the roads when driving. May God's will be done in my life and the lives of these needy loved...