It seems like wherever the Mayor and the Governor of a state are Democrats, that state will so easily begin to turn against the law enforcement officers in that particular state. And thus begins the fall of America as we know it. Hello Socialism, goodbye our freedoms and rights? God help us, please!
Prov. 31v 8 Let Your Justice prevail Soon The search continues for Legal help Your Battles my Lord for Your people You Are Praised Miracles Lord Yahshua Amen Is.54v17 Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the...
Social justice is what the Democrats are claiming they have and want more of. However, the Democrats are now Socialists instead and they are presently using the Blacks and Latinos to vote for them. Yet the truth is the Socialists are using them only for the purpose of their getting voted in...