Thanks for all I have. I have seen A many times downtown. I am worried about her, she has a resentment towards me, and a right to have it. I want to help her if I can. I want to make amends. I want to go back but how? Help me get back to practice. I need income, I have the skills I just need the...
. Pray that God will heal my pelvis misalignment and God will give me new strong ligaments and cartilage around my right and left sacroilliac joints and also lower spine (L3-4, L4-5 and L5-S1) spinal facets, no more joints inflammation, no more bone marrow edema and no more misalignment during...
bone marrow edema
country: hong kong
l5 s1 spinal facets
left sacroiliac joints
lower spine
new strong ligaments
pelvis misalignment
Lord I feel lonley its not good to be alone live alone I've done it for 20 years please have mercy please surround with your love prince comfort md please bless me please wuth the rught god given divine husband that's rught compatable with me in every way who I ger on with in every way wuth...
Praise Yah Bless you all! they’re going to do the dental work tomorrow praying everything will come out right and soon. Insurance covered it all and it will all hold right this crown and for good Hallelujah!
Father, thank You that the negative things of my past have no right to hold me back from the good things You have in store for me. Thank You that I am Your child and a slave to nothing. I declare that I am letting go of the past and moving up to the next level You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Dear Lord, the baby has been off and on crying in pain, my son has a runny nose, and my wife still no longer loves me. I put my trust in you, but here I am hurting and missing my wife. You have been with me this whole time and I am grateful, but it hurts to know I am losing the woman I love, due...
Dear Jesus please help us we’re struggling to come together and I don’t know how to bring him back. Please soften his heart and heal us both. Please help me find the right help to talk to about Mallory and my hurt. Please fill us with your Holy Spirit and love so that nothing else matters I pray...
Little pain in my right and left hand. When I do some work. Pain in bone. Also pray for my teeths to be strong.not to break. .in Jesus name. Caroline..
Pray downstairs stay quiet n not make so much noise at nite we have right to n I really need my sleep for work I pray Nabor have respect for others in the building
Please help me pray for the process to be just...i need the job very badly. I just hope that God's justly ways will be sowed on the people who are in charge of my employment..i have adhered to the right and just process and hoping to be awarded with that job i so long to have. God have mercy on me.
My parents are forcibly insisting that I go and have an abortion when I don’t want to. I’m an adult and I have the right to agree or not. The abortion has been scheduled for today morning please pray for me to not have this abortion done because it’ll mentally torture and abortion is a sin which...
Brethren,let pray for the world, In my dream last night I Shaw certificate being given to those that took the covid vaccine .But all people lucking where denied right to every thing Let's pray ,our God is a life
Lord please please bless me please whtg the rught God given husband that's right for me in every way who I get on wuth in every way wuty divine love divine connection in every way who loves believes in you who will go church with me pray with total loves totally cherish adores respects me in...
To show the hypocrisy of the people who fight for these murdering women to have a "right" to get an abortion, because it's "their body", yet these same people also fight against people who don't want the vaccine.Hypocrisy?
Please pray my family stop trying to control,direct my life and choices and never dare contact me or try to find me again. They put me at risk,abused me. Please pray all ties are severed forever in the name of Jesus and they realise they have no right to pretend I’m a relative. Please pray I...
Jesus please let my son be good and cooperate and let me sleep tonight as tomorrow is the first day of school. Please let my husband be ok tonight at work and please let them stop about the vaccine mandates. They have no right to tell us what to do with our bodies! Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Ok so I believe my kids are shameing me for not going over to my parents to hang out with them. They are 14 and 11. I am not being allowed my right as a mother to raise them as I would like. They havent been given any opportunity to speak for themselves and what they want as far as where they...
Lord please never let me lose my job at starfinder Optical. Please help me to never get any customer complains. Please help me to always get the right and accurate refraction for all my patients so that they do not waste their money when they purchase from me. Please help me to always have a lot...