Very very urgent lord please please make Paul dentist call me in morning be incredibly incredibly super nice to me in every way can't wait to talk to me have a huge huge change heart fix all my teeth the way I want them please please lord melt melt melt mightly incredibly every single part of...
Lord please please make Paul a please please sincerely deeply apologise to me in every way right now please lord without any delay at all in jesus name please lord melt Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me mightly incredibly in every way please lord make me and Paul a...
Lord please please melt Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him to me towards me incredibly right now always please please make Paul a truly deeply sincerely apologise to me in every single way without any delay in jesus christ name please heal Paul a from all stress all...
council comfort
country: unknown
deeper flourishes
deepest feeling
divine connection
heart ways attitude
insight discernment wisdom
single part
single way
Lord please please make Paul a please please text me sincerely deeply apologise to me please lord without any delay please melt every part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me in every way incredibly rigjt now always please heal Paul a from all worry all stress all anxity...
Lord no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage discomfort delay lack poverty misfortune in my life in jesus name lord I ask you please please make Paul a please please contact me text me call me sincerely deeply apologise to me please lord without any delay ask me to meet up one to...
Dear Lord,
I come before you today asking for guidance. I was able to speak with Amiel again today, and he doesn’t seem very interested in talking to me at all.
I pray that he and I will have a chance to talk face to face. I know it seems impossible as of now but if it is in accordance to your...
Lord please please convict Paul a for the way he has treated me in every way part of please lord very very strongly heavily that he has no no peace till he sincerely apologise to Me in jesus name move make pa please lord sincerely apologise to me ask me to meet up please one to one with him...
Lord please please make pa love for me grow stronger stronger in every way every day give him the courage please to call me or text and sincerely apologise to me for the way he treated me please please lord make me and pa relationship alot alot closer stringer deeper flourishes bless us with...
Tomorrow, I have an important meeting with my brother, Tihomir. Let us pray that the Heavenly Father will lead the whole meeting and conversation in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us pray that God will help me to speak at this meeting not out of bitterness, but out of God's love and with...
Lore lord please please please streanthen me in mighty power for this dentist appointment today I pray please lord I will not not be nervous at all let your peace rule in my whole body give me all the right words to say please to my dentist melt his heart towards me and please please give him...
Lord lord please please melt melt mightly Paul a heart to me towards me in every single way bless make him please please sort all my teeth awsomley amazly better than I can imagine today I pray I am not not nervous walking to dentist at all in dentist reception with him give me power streanth...
Hello! I would like to ask for prayers for my friend's father who is suffering from terminal stage 4 cancer. he's in the hospital right now trying to recuperate, but I pray that God will do what's best for him. If he heals, that he heals in a great, functioning condition, but if not... then I...
Please please all pray I decree and declare Pa can't wait to see me today every single part of pa lights up incredibly in every single way part of him every single time he thinks of meets me sews me looks at me talks to me with me close to me incredibly that I see this in every single part of...
Very very urgent lord please please melt pa heart towards me in every single way right now in jesus christ name please please make me and pa love relashionship alot allt stringer deeper closer in every way more more every day please please fill flood pa please please lord with incredibly...
abundant overflowing love care compassion
country: unknown
divine connection
divine love
loneliness singleness lateness
love connection
marriage delay disappointment rejection
other women
support kindness generosity attraction affection attention romance goodness gentleness quality time
Very very urgent lord please please please make my relationship with pa alot alot closer stronger deeper in every single way more more every day bless us with unity together that we can agree in everything bless pa to please please lord text me asking me to meet up one to one please without any...
country: unknown
dark circles
deepest desires
financial income savings
other women
right times
skin body
skin hair photographers
skin problems spots
Very very urgent lord please please please remove all swelling whatever it is under my cheekbones all every dark circles hollows under my eyes all every skin problems from the roots please rigjt now without any delay bless me with brand new under eyes skin skin without any delay perform miracles...
brand new
country: unknown
dark circles
deepest desires
divine connection love
doctor darren supernatural skill wisdom
love compassion kindness generosity affection attention goodness gentleness quality time
single way
skin problems
Lord I ask for the right words to say and the ability to listen. I ask for a conversation and for discernment and your will to be done in the name of Jesus
Please please all pray I decree and declare me and pa relationship is is totally blessed in every single way protected flourishes is getting alot alot closer stronger deeper in every single way more more every day me and pa have a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love in...
Lord, I am struggling to find the right words to express my confusing thoughts, yet none of these things are hidden from You,,You know what's in our hearts and minds, knowing our words even before we speak them,, Lord, please deliver us from this situation we are in,, Please help us ease our...
Very very urgent lord please please melt melt mightly incredibly every part of pa heart please lord towards me in every single way right now always open his eyes heart up to my incredibly heart beauty in every way now please please bless pa lord to please please open up to me me only me in every...